Site Activity
ALLIE's profile was updated Wednesday, Sep 9, 2015, 11:39pm EDT, 9 years, 5 months ago
Shellyrae37 posted an update Saturday, Aug 29, 2015, 1:54pm EDT, 9 years, 5 months ago
Hello Everyone..
IRENE Do you remember how much you got for your Silver Bracelet? I have a Necklace My husband watched them making it, sterling silver, and know he paid over 60.00 for it, and Wish they had gone an extra 2" on it, I could wear it. Being so short, I cannot wear it outside on a blouse or sweater, so hardly any use to me..Not sure what it weighs, not value.. For sentimental reasons I would like to keep it, but getting to that age when Sentimentality is waning.. Glad you got a nap, I did too, after out YS this morning. and a nice lunch at Steak & Shake..HI CATHY, glad you are home and settled in, is it cold at home? It sure has been here..
Heres the Etsy site, do not remember Irenes user ID but she might have it posted here on her Profile page, You click on her picture it will bring up a couple of tabs under Profile you will find her links if she has them there..
Your GGk will come eventually, give them time, to enjoy their lives first.. LOL I know we cannot wait for GS to graduate and start college, I hope he does not get too tightly wound up in his girlfriend and forget his goals..
I watched Food Paradise last night, they were in multiple cities including one in Wisconsin, showing people the different ways they make Mac & Cheese, some looked really good, then when they started putting seafood in it, turned me right off. Have you heard anything of Nolan being in his yet or when it will air?RHONDA, Ah 7 months are the darling age.. They are so cute, to watch, and are still limited in how much they can do.. At least he cannot climb up on the counters and into the cupboards yet.. Give him time huh? Thanks for asking of DH he is doing pretty good with the Antibiotics and Steroids and the Patch the Doc gave him for quitting smoking.. He says he doesn't have too much of a problem, all he has to do is remember how hard it was for him to breathe when I took him into the hospital.. and he knows why he has to quit.. Now next week when Steroids are gone, he might be of a different mind set. I hope not tho.. He use to smell so bad from Cigarette smoke..
I think it was IRENE who mentioned getting the smoke smell out of the house, Not a problem there, about 2 yrs ago he decided for me he would not smoke in the house anymore so he either smoked outside in good weather or froze and smoked in garage in the winter time.. Worked for me.. I know when he and my Dad too smoked in the house, I would wash the windows and drapes and you can imagine every thing else too, reeked of smoke.. Windows & Drapes only thing I could wash..
MAX, Hows things going today? Is Bob doing better? I just looked up the Havanese, never heard of that breed before, They call a mixed breed Hybrids, didn't know that but it appears the Havanese have the stronger genes and most of them keep the same appearance like when mixed with Lapsa Apsa.. Forgive spelling. They are so cute. Hope you hear something on him.. It did say in one article that they are slow to train.. Maybe Stubborn and you have to teach them to tone down the barking.. Hopefully he will already be trained.
Nice purse you sold.. Haven't had much selling, but thankful for every sale..
I went shopping today and found another nice looking John Deere Tractor.. and a Snoopy Stuffed toy that throws kisses, and makes the sound.. Cute.. A Nice pair of ankle boots, like new to sell.. Bought a pair of sport shoes Nikes for Football or Soccer want to get up tonight or tomorrow. Woman said she paid 100.00 for them and he wore them twice, said he needed a size larger, his feet had grown.. The story for all parents when buying school stuff, they grow so fast.I am planning on going to a 1 Day estate sale on Sunday, and want this picture behind my sofa.. The blue in the birds will go with it pretty close match..
Well guess I will get busy on pictures.. Hope all is well with everyone, and those, feeling down can get back up real soon.
webmaster's profile was updated Saturday, Aug 15, 2015, 9:49pm EDT, 9 years, 6 months ago
Shellyrae37 posted an update Monday, Mar 16, 2015, 3:20pm EDT, 9 years, 11 months ago
OH My what a sad way to end this board last year, Almost close to One Year, since anyone has posted.
I did not know Cedar at least by that name, but so sorry to see all of her friends have lost her, from reading back it looks like she had a long tiring battle, but she hung in as long as she could.. I hope/know she is resting in peace, and her family still treasures her memories..
Maybe one day this site will get a shot in the arm and people will be coming back..
I know MAX gets a lot of restaurant ware, with older Co. or Restaurants names on them, and Who ya going to call? When no ones home here.
You all take care.. Shelly -
cedar 6 posted an update Sunday, Mar 23, 2014, 9:31am EDT, 10 years, 11 months ago
Helen thanks cedaris missed by everyone loved her with all my heart dh
cedar 6 posted an update Sunday, Mar 2, 2014, 2:12pm EST, 10 years, 11 months ago
dear members cedar passed away jan. 25 2014 dh bh
inmax posted an update Sunday, Feb 2, 2014, 1:34pm EST, 11 years ago
Mim how are you doing? I see you had a birthday recently. Miss seeing all those bright flower pictures you always posted.
inmax posted an update Sunday, Feb 2, 2014, 1:31pm EST, 11 years ago
HELLO HELLO. Finally got a new password and need to check on all of you.
Sure has been a very quiet board.
First off, Cedar how are you doing now? Did you get caught in that last snowstorm?
How are you doing Judy...Doreen...Doris? See someone new here, Hi to Shelly. If you need some help with glass this is the gal. Hello Helen, know you and DH have settled into new housing. Beachgirl are you still out there?? Where are you now?
Hi to anyone I missed. Let me tell you sure glad 2013 is over with. Not a good year for poor DH. He is getting around so much better now and taking P/T three times a week. I am still hot on the trail of coffee mugs.
Be safe to all and hope someone pops back in.
Shellyrae37 posted an update Monday, Nov 11, 2013, 9:35am EST, 11 years, 3 months ago
Hello ALL, First time here, and not sure how I even found this page, but it is fine with me, as I am often looking to find advertisements.. I see a lot of familiar faces/names here, and hope you don't mind my jumping right in..
Shellyrae37 became a registered member Monday, Nov 11, 2013, 9:33am EST, 11 years, 3 months ago
cedar 6 posted an update Tuesday, Oct 29, 2013, 1:30pm EDT, 11 years, 3 months ago
Hello Friends.....I tried a new chemo last time that kicked my rear....I said I wasn't going to take that again but we talk about it so I'm trying it again 1 more time starting today...Thank you for all your prayers...Sorry I haven't been around but just to sick.. I do think of y'all quiet often. I hope everyone is fine and dandy!! well have to go. Y'all stay safe and keep the love flowing...cedar
Doreen366ML posted an update Friday, Aug 9, 2013, 11:52pm EDT, 11 years, 6 months ago
i got it to work but not the way i wanted it to. after my youtube plays it shows all the other ones like mine.
i don’t want it to do that? lol
NOW i am trying to find out how to do multi-variation listings. can’t find how do settings. -
Doreen366ML posted an update Friday, Aug 9, 2013, 6:55pm EDT, 11 years, 6 months ago
need to fined out how to put a youtube link in a ebay add?
anyone know how to do that ? -
Doreen366ML posted an update Friday, Aug 9, 2013, 6:49pm EDT, 11 years, 6 months ago
Hi All judy that weeping blue atlas cedar tree is a wild looking tree..... lol
my garden is huge........
Cedar thinking of you. hope your eating what you like..
Doris how are you doing ? wish i could stop in more. i miss the late night chats..... -
drs-t posted an update Monday, Aug 5, 2013, 12:55pm EDT, 11 years, 6 months ago
Cedar and Judy! Hi there! So glad to see your messages. We need to get this place moving again, right?
Cedar, I want you to know that you're in my thoughts as you are facing these bumps in the road. And Judy I'm thinking of you too, and hope all is well at your house.
Hello to All!
Doris -
picker16judy posted an update Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013, 8:39pm EDT, 11 years, 6 months ago
Hi Cedar!
My PC bit the dust. Just would t turn on a y more. But I have been checking for updates on you and news from the others. We are on vacation now and the kids have me exhausted. I'm in bed already. Lol. I can hear their dad giving then heck now for goofing off. Lol. Y'all take care, would love to hear from everyone!
Judy -
cedar 6 posted an update Sunday, Jul 28, 2013, 5:00pm EDT, 11 years, 6 months ago
Hello again well it looks like I'm the only one to check in for quite some time. Just letting y'all know I'm still around. I have a Dr.'s appointment tomorrow after the appointment I will probably have to get a blood transfusion because the chemo lowers my hemoglobin. I stay tired all the time very little energy, but Thank God !! for friends like y'all please keep me in your prayers they really do help. Hope all of y'all are doing well. Please let me hear from you. Knowing y'all are out there makes me happy.
Stay safe!! Cedar -
cedar 6 posted an update Thursday, Jul 4, 2013, 4:39pm EDT, 11 years, 7 months ago
Hello Everyone how are you doing? Just keeping you informed.....I am doing pretty good most days I just had a Petscan and will go back to Dr. on Monday to get results. I hope the Chemo is doing some good. I am weak most days, but haven't lost my appetite..hehehe. I have to laugh sometimes. I said that was the only Dr. I have been too that didn't fuss about me gaining weight. They don't want you to lose any weight just stay where you are.So good to hear from y'all..
Welcome to the board fryqueen. Jump in and tell us about yourself..
Well I'll be in touch again Stay safe and Bless you Cedar -
fyrqueen became a registered member Sunday, Jun 30, 2013, 3:31pm EDT, 11 years, 7 months ago
Beachgirlbaby posted an update Saturday, Jun 22, 2013, 1:19pm EDT, 11 years, 8 months ago
Just to let you know. We lost a very dear friend
picker16judy posted an update Thursday, May 30, 2013, 11:03am EDT, 11 years, 8 months ago
Swinging by to see how cedar 6 is coming along. Looks like you are doing some healing so you can get back in the battle. Remember you have a big cheering section right here. And a prayer chain.
Whew! All winter we wanted summer so badly....but 90 in May? I'm not going to complain. 😉
After I posted here last time I listed some things and sold pretty well. But now it looks like the summer slump is starting. Kids are out of school here so he next 6 weeks it will be useless to list.
Helen, I tried planting a few tomato plants last year and I flipped out at the tomato worms. Buying them from our local farmer. He's just around the corner and he knows way more than I do about planting and growing. And bugs. Icky.
Drs-t, landscaping s. lt f work, isn't it? I can't recall anyone doing all the landscaping we do now. Maybe I just didnt notice it but we had a rose bush here and a cedar tree here and that was it! But I do think it's worth the Orkney, everything looks so much nicer. BTW our red Japanese maple looks wonderful, I just trimmed it a little. Monday we planted a new tree that I just had to have....we searched 3 states for it and lo and behold, we found it in he closest nursery. Look it up, y'all, it's really cool. It's called a weeping blue atlas cedar.
Doreen366ml, yes. I miss the old boards too. I think we all do. -
Helen posted an update Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 10:26am EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Sunny day here in Indy. I am going to get our tomato plants then DD is going to help DH plant them.
cedar 6---- Thanks for the update. -
cedar 6 posted an update Monday, May 20, 2013, 10:52am EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Hello everyone nice to see some are keeping in touch. I am doing fair right now. My white blood cells are way to low so they won't give me the chemo treatments until they build back up. I have been enjoying nature also the birds are so funny to watch especially the hummingbirds. DH has started our garden but I'll talk about that later... Stay safe
Cedar -
drs-t posted an update Thursday, May 16, 2013, 12:47pm EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Helen, Doreen, Judy and Cedar and anyone else who is around! So much to do right? I've been weeding, planting, mulching and all that kind of stuff these nice days, and still lots to do. Just can't work as hard as I did in my younger years.
Judy, so sorry about your brother, it just doesn't seem like it has been 6 months. Take good care of yourself.
A pair of wrens have built a nest between the wreath and the house near the front door, so we try to steer clear of there till the babies come. Lots of robins and red birds around too with nests. Nice to sit on the deck and watch nature when we have the time!
God Bless!
Doris -
Helen posted an update Thursday, May 16, 2013, 12:30pm EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Looks like we’ll have a bright sunny day here in Indy, Probably everybody is busy with gardening and spring chores.
I am snookered. Probably won’t do much for the rest of the day. I had been gathering stuff for my kids-grandkids to sell at their rummage sale this week end. They picked it up early this morning. I am glad to have that stuff out of the house .
Maybe I’ll get some clothing pics late this afternoon. The area for doing clothing pics is on the west side of the house. -
Doreen366ML posted an update Saturday, May 11, 2013, 10:53pm EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi All Have a nice Mother's Day.....
I drove 1 1/2 hours to see my daughter at school.
she took me out to dinner it was real nice.
2 more weeks of school then she will be home.Judy nice to see you . ebay sales are ok. I sold a lot of my flower bulbs. and flower seeds.
we are getting lots of rain. tonight it is cold. hope my plants make it.
I sure miss the old chat rooms. I all ways had someone to talk too any time of the day or night.
I watch my Mom so I am up late every night. -
picker16judy posted an update Friday, May 10, 2013, 1:22pm EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Ladies and Richarde!
So sorry you are going through this cancer battle, Cedar. Will keep you and yours in my prayers. If any of you would like to have my email addy, it is 2pickers (a) horizonview (dot) net. I think if I put it like that the scammers won't find it. We need to be informed when someone is ill. Like Cedar, if she or her family could just keep in touch with one of us, we could all know how she is coming along.This week hit the 6 month anniversary of my brother's passing. I'm much better, I didn't know if I would ever be "normal" again but I'm making it. Also my mom's 85th birthday was yesterday.
We here in southern Ohio have had some really nice spring weather. We've done a lot of yard cleanup and I have some planters done. It's going to get in the 30s next week! OMG, we'll be covering this up and bringing them in. We are getting rain today and I think through the weekend. So drs-t, Doris, I bet you'll be having the same.
Doreen366ML, I haven't been on ebay much, just got back listing some things and I have a ton of stuff to list. How are your sales going? Or have you even had time to list?
We are getting the grandsons this weekend. It looks like their mom and dad will get divorced. Mommy is moving into an apartment this weekend and daddy is going to help her. They boys are staying in the house with daddy (our oldest son). Seems like just yesterday they got married. Shoot.
We went to the Biltmore for our anniversary. It was his turn to pick. I like it better when it's my turn to pick, but the Biltmore was nice. I expected more, really, it was peak Victorian era and they would have had a lot more opulence than it shows. I reckon the family has taken that stuff...which is fine, it was theirs. LOL
God Bless you all.
drs-t posted an update Friday, May 10, 2013, 10:28am EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Doreen! I too have been thinking about Cedar, hope all is okay and moving along well.
I have ordered some interesting seeds but looking at feedback, which I should have done first, I'm doubting that I'll ever get them. I'm ready to get out and do yard work but still has been too wet. Just now had another hard shower, so there goes today! Of course there is always plenty to do right here in the house! Have a nice weekend!
Doreen366ML posted an update Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013, 1:35am EDT, 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi All its been a long time . I work so much i don't get to stop in .
Cedar that care i don't like needles . hope you found a good doctor.
you are in my prayers.........
Doris yes think spring I just bought a bunch of plants and flower seeds on ebay.
lots of work to do in the garden..
Hi Helen. -
drs-t posted an update Monday, Apr 22, 2013, 12:01pm EDT, 11 years, 10 months ago
Cedar! I stop by here frequently hoping to see you....sorry to hear about health problems....I'm keeping you in my prayers. Take good care, and as Helen says be sure to let us know how you are. This place hasn't been the same without your posts!
Helen, hello to you too, hope you are okay. This place has been too quiet, wonder why?
Think Spring Everybody!!
Helen posted an update Monday, Apr 22, 2013, 7:37am EDT, 11 years, 10 months ago
@cedar Just happened to pop in to the board. So sorry to hear your bad news. Please give yourself the best care possible and let us know how you are wen you feel up to it.
cedar 6 posted an update Sunday, Apr 21, 2013, 1:46pm EDT, 11 years, 10 months ago
Hello everyone been a long time. I have been having some health problems. So sorry I haven't been in touch, but from the looks of the board no one else has either. Well I have some bad news about myself...I have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I go to the cancer doc. Friday to see what can be do if anything? I have had every kind of test you can think of.... I am just sick of being poked with needles. I didn't mean to make anyone sad but I wanted y'all to know.. I consider y'all my friends too. I hope y'all are all alright and doing well.. I have to go for now the kids are all coming over. See y'all soon...cedar
lookwhatbobfound became a registered member Saturday, Apr 13, 2013, 11:48am EDT, 11 years, 10 months ago
webmaster posted an update Thursday, Apr 4, 2013, 9:10am EDT, 11 years, 10 months ago
Good morning...
I just wanted to give you a heads up about a possible outage in the near future due to software version changes at my web host. So if you come to the site and it's down, don't panic. I'll have it back up as quickly as possible. -
webmaster posted an update Saturday, Mar 9, 2013, 11:42pm EST, 11 years, 11 months ago
Time test...don't forget to spring forward.
Richarde13 posted an update Monday, Feb 4, 2013, 2:20pm EST, 12 years ago
What's up ???
Doreen366ML posted an update Thursday, Dec 27, 2012, 1:09am EST, 12 years, 1 month ago
Hi All I was looking at some items and saw. Ruby Plaza will be permanently closing on December 31, 2012
what up with that.
Judy my prayers are with you.
I didn't put up a tree. I spend over a 100 hours a week with my mom.
I don't trust anyone else to take care of her. if its not me its my sister.
been doing this for the last year. glad Christmas is over.
we got a lot of snow today around 8 to 10 inches.
Hope we all have a better year in 2013............ -
Helen posted an update Friday, Dec 21, 2012, 2:09pm EST, 12 years, 2 months ago
Judy and others, Our Christmas is slowly coming together. Eldest DGD will be arrive from North Carolina on Sunday. She has done quite a lot of shopping for me. And will do more after she gets here.
I'm dealing with a very painful back problem but very thankful that I have no pain when in bed or on full tilt back in my recliner. I should get the results today from an MRI that I had on Wednesday.
Wanted to mention about the possible need for updating Whooping Cough / Pertussis vaccinations . I hear that there is a serious outbreak among college age folks in Vermont. I believe that the vaccinations given before 1993 are no longer effective. -
picker16judy posted an update Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012, 5:29pm EST, 12 years, 2 months ago
Helen & Cedar, thanks so much. I can't believe, I'm still struggling. And everywhere I go everyone asks if I have my trees up, etc. I tell them I've been out of town, and they ask what's up and dang, I can't help it, I get weepy. I know this will stop but I don't know when!
Ian, who is 22 now, is starting to get antsy about the trees, he likes them. Bless his heart, he asked me last night it he could put some up and he did, and wow, he did great!! 🙂
Hope y'all are doing okay. I think we should all commit to keep in touch and use this board more often. We were so blessed to have our webmaster make it for us!
cedar 6 posted an update Sunday, Dec 2, 2012, 12:39pm EST, 12 years, 2 months ago
judy, I am so sorry about your brother... My heart breaks for you...Try to rest and get a frame of mind that you know he would want you to have... God love you take care and I'll chat with you later..... Cedar
I hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving.....I am going to heart Dr, Tuesday for my 10 yr.check up since my by-pass surgery. I hope i get a good one .. Keep fingers crossed..
Helen posted an update Friday, Nov 23, 2012, 2:08pm EST, 12 years, 2 months ago
Judy, My condolences on the loss of your brother.
I lost the last of my beloved brothers just about a year ago. He was 95 and had been fortunate in that he enjoyed good health both mentally and physically right up to the end. His heart just wore out.
I hope that all of you were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with family, friends or your best choice.
My DH, eldest DD & her DH and I, went to an open house at our DGson’s place. Had turkey and all things Thanksgiving . But maybe not—— as I believe there was no dish with cranberries. We brought home a nice lot of left overs. We can provide our own cranberries!!! We’ll make a pumpkin pudding today to eke out the left overs.
The best part of yesterday for me was seeing my eldest 3 great-grands. I came away chuckling about the 12 year old great-granddaughter’s room . Supposedly DGGD had cleaned it . One of her other grandmothers had remarked that it might be clean but it surely was not neat and clean.
The eldest, a 14 year old boy, has volunteered to work Saturdays at the library where he will teach their older patrons the basics of PC use .
The 11 year old great-grandson was his usual charming self. He was neatly dressed with a neck tie over a tucked in white shirt—- but no shoes.
Later today we are going to another DD's place for ham and who knows what else. Gotta stop by Aldi's on the way there to pick up some stuff. For the first time ever I'm going to by turkey gravy in a jar. -
picker16judy posted an update Thursday, Nov 22, 2012, 12:50pm EST, 12 years, 2 months ago
Hi Friends. Hope you all are enjoying family, friends and a great meal today. I have been AWOL, my kid brother passed from cancer on Nov 6. I was with him his last week and when he passed so I am trying to rest and get emotionally re-charged. Only 3 trees up. God Bless you all.
Judy -
Helen posted an update Wednesday, Nov 21, 2012, 7:04am EST, 12 years, 3 months ago
@cedar I have a saying " There is just one ting better than grandchildren-------That is great-grandchildren." I think it is because the admiration society for the new babe has increased by a whole generation of admirers. It is so much fun to watch everybody. We now have the six great-grands and another one due in February.
cedar 6 posted an update Tuesday, Nov 20, 2012, 10:12am EST, 12 years, 3 months ago
Hello All my Great Friends ....... I know and I am ashamed that I don't get by more often but believe me when I say that I do thnk about y'all each day.. I hope all of you are doing OK .. We just had a new grandbaby and now right agter Thanksgiving we will be getting a new Great Grand Baby.. Our 1st. I wanted to check in and wish all of y'all a very Happy Thanksgiving... and I am thankful for my board friends... yes I am... Cedar
Doreen366ML posted an update Sunday, Nov 18, 2012, 12:48pm EST, 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi All Having a great Birthday…………. lol
I was doing the free black Friday listings and it was charging me so i called ebay and they took it off my bill.
drs-t posted an update Saturday, Nov 17, 2012, 10:15am EST, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good Morning! Wow, where is everybody? Last post on Nov 3 which must be a record lull.
Hope all are well, great day here, I'm off to a craft show. -
webmaster posted an update Saturday, Nov 3, 2012, 11:49pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Time test...don't forget to set your clock back folks.
Helen posted an update Saturday, Nov 3, 2012, 12:45pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Apparently my difficulty on getting on to the Glass Board was a glitch as after checking all the other boards when I went back to the GB I got right one.
Helen posted an update Friday, Nov 2, 2012, 7:46pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Just checking all of the sites as I am having trouble logging into the Glass Board.
We had 29 Trick or Treaters. Think none of them were from our neighborhood. We enjoyed them just the same.
inmax posted an update Thursday, Nov 1, 2012, 1:14pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Afternoon. Do I hear the rattling of candy wrappers? We didn't have many little trick or treaters this year. Our little dog really enjoyed the ones that came to door.
Looks like everyone busy again. Going to take the country quite a while to settle down after that storm.
Max -
Helen posted an update Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012, 9:11am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
@picker16judy Hi Judy, Did you remove that URL from your Profile?I don't see it now.
, Helen -
inmax posted an update Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012, 7:03pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good evening ladies. Glad we are finding all our friends safe, maybe a little windblown and damp. The evening news certainly showed some unbelieveable areas out East. Wonder if some areas will ever rebuild. We go to Biloxi to casinos along the coast, and lots of things never rebuilt there.
Judy, thinking about you and hope news a little more hopeful for you and family.
Sorting dishes and getting things into plastic tubs. Keep marking things for a YS. We are across the street from a private school so only have YS on a Sat.
Love to look at glass board. What a wonderful bunch with all their knowledge. I study every picure/link they post.
Stay warm and safe out there. Lots of people sitting in the dark.
picker16judy posted an update Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012, 11:44am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Helen! Darling picture!! The link to my auctions never has worked. I tried to see Doreen's several times but hers does the same thing.
Storm is wicked but I have other worries today.
mim posted an update Tuesday, Oct 30, 2012, 12:13am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi All! Been hanging on to every word about the storm. I have lots of friends and a Grandson over there. The GS is in Charlotsville, Va. Worry about them today. There is no school and he posts on FB to let us know what is going on. He and the 2 boys are making cookies. GS is permanently disabled with a bad back so he is a House dad.
Helen posted an update Monday, Oct 29, 2012, 8:56pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
@inmax Come on over and join us on the Glass Board.
I remember those guinea hens / chickens . My mom took me on a annual with her when she went to visit her childhood friends one of whom had guinea hens / chickens.
Gonna go Google about how to tell a guinea hen from a guinea rooster. LOL -
Helen posted an update Monday, Oct 29, 2012, 8:35pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good evening friends,
Had this bit of fun this past week.
Trying to dump this item on a DD or DGDIL::”””””Anybody making Christmas cookies ?
I have this Electric Foodgun that looks like it would be a ton of fun for the gadget oriented kids with a guaranteed mess for somebody to clean up. Full directions and recipes included. And wouldn’t you know the cleaning brush is missing?””””””Offer declined by all the females but snatched up by a son-in-law who will be making cookies with his 29 months old grandson. Our DD, the grandmother, said ” PERFECT! I get to watch the fun, sample the product, and XXXXX will do all the work. Life is good. XXXXX ”
Here is the son-in-law who quickly claimed it with his helper & side-kick. @picker16judy Never had one of those as I was the kid sister but sorry about your kid brothers.
inmax posted an update Monday, Oct 29, 2012, 2:38pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Judy, sorry about the bad news about your brother.
What is with some of the new uniforms that teams are coming up with?
Looks like landfall getting close. Stay safe.
picker16judy posted an update Monday, Oct 29, 2012, 12:14pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Doreen! I had a typo in my story!! The game was on 12/24/00!! Those uniforms yesterday were just awful. LOL
My kid brother is very ill so I'm not feeling very social but wanted to check in and see how everyone is faring with this hurricane and storms!
inmax posted an update Monday, Oct 29, 2012, 11:38am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Doreen, sounds like you and I should get together for a game of golf.
Helen, I do not belong to GB, but gal with ugly looking pr. of birds she was asking about...think they are Guinna hens. My Mother had them all over the place.
Looks like Sandy is picking up some strength. Hope everyone is all settled in best they can be, and be very careful out there.
Have been out shopping for medicare gap insurance. Second meeting I have been to.
Have to get some more plastic tubs to store some of my dishes.
Checking to see if anyone besides Doreen out there.
Doreen366ML posted an update Sunday, Oct 28, 2012, 10:34pm EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
imax DD is dun for now. I found her a club for $10 bucks at a yard sale and she likes it a lot.
Crap i don't play golf . when i tried this club i hit the ball real far. lol
been getting a lot of npb its a real pain.
hope all stay safe when the storm Hits..
anyone one else going to get hit by the rain storm??
Judy Nice story well then just call me a die hard.
I watched the game with my mom today.
when i put her in bed she watched the last of the game .
any went fast to sleep. at 83 we watch all the games she has her Steelers tile on her bed
she didn't like todays team outfit looked like prison outfits. lol -
inmax posted an update Sunday, Oct 28, 2012, 8:47am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good morning. Just checking to see if everyone all tucked in for the latest storms.
Helen made interesting point on so much going on in the weather department. I sit here and think of someone here or there and wonder if they are safe.
We are actually supposed to get down to 72 on Tues. will be a relief.
They had a set of restaurant ware at 50% off so I just had to bring them home. Maker is Mayer and some unusual pieces.
Time to tear the Sunday paper apart, and see what kind of coupons just might be in it.
drs-t posted an update Thursday, Oct 25, 2012, 10:41am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good Morning Max! You and I are the only "drifters" this morning and at about the same time too. Nice to see you. Hope the hurricane heads out to sea. Take care!
inmax posted an update Thursday, Oct 25, 2012, 9:31am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good morning, just checking to see if anyone has drifted in.
We are watching a late hurricane mess up the East coast. We will get some wind and rain squalls. Hope it swings further out to sea.
Off to see if we missed anything in the thrifts, a nice produce market tomorrow. I can not believe the price of apples.
A good day to all.
Max -
inmax posted an update Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012, 3:54am EDT, 12 years, 3 months ago
Good morning.
Doris I am like you and check the board almost every day. Guess I will start saying HI, even if no one else around.
Have company for a few days and my feet are starting to ache from all the shopping.
All this wk-end football getting hard on the TV tuner. To bad it all seems to be something on two or three stations and I never record programs.
Went into thrift shop and saw sign showing area for cookbooks. Must have been around a 100 of them on long shelf, and about 90 were for microwave cooking.
Our yard looked so bare and we were only house along street without yard decorations. Got a big bat to hang from palm tree and a handsome witch to put out. Have about given up on saving the candy. Second time I have filled candy dish and company enjoying it. Little ones better hurry up and get here.
Hope everyone OK and just busy with their daily chores.
drs-t posted an update Saturday, Oct 20, 2012, 9:23am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good Saturday Morning!
Max, I stop by here often but usually nobody home.
I always have a stack of books from the library waiting. Mostly nonfiction, but lately Dorothea Benton.
But now the vacuum cleaner calls, must get busy.
Great weekend to all! -
inmax posted an update Saturday, Oct 20, 2012, 4:33am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good morning, haven't seen anyone around for a few days.
They are saying we are going to have a few pleasant days, lower humidity over the wk-end.
Thinking about all the books I go through in a year. I loved the Nancy Drew books when I was young. My GD is a reader, and it was always Harry Potter. My DD never reads a book, and there were no interesting books for young people when she was growing up. If you don't enjoy reading the classics hard to get interested.
Looks like the weather just can't calm down. Hope everyons staying safe.
Helen posted an update Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012, 9:28am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
@inmax i do try to keep myself busy. Otherwise I would be driving my family nuts. They are well aware of my need to stay busy and so try to assist me when I have technical problems which is pretty often. Youngest DD will be here on Friday to help update BookTrakker my book listing database.
Today I'm cleaning and taking pictures of my Corning pieces. Funny but the plastic refrigerator covers seem to be selling best. The selling price is not a lot for the covers but I have a new looking 4 piece set with 3 plastic and 1 Pyrex lid.
Helen in Indy -
inmax posted an update Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012, 6:48am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good morning everyone.
Helen you certainly keep busy. When I see all the problems that pop up I know why I let my DD list for us!!
Went out hunting yesterday. Found a tumbler with ad for A.C.L. Railroad from Haines City,Fla. Need to check out more on RR. Also a neat cup from North Pole, Alaska. Always fun to find advertising.
Made that pot of chili yesterday. Must have waited to long, just not hungry for it after thinking about it for couple of wks.
Must be some kind of cable war going on down here. Flooded with mailers and even having them come to house with their newest "bundles" only somehow they seem to change after signing up for them.
Mim, what a great picture of those beautiful horses.
Hope all doing OK, and keeping busy.
Helen posted an update Tuesday, Oct 16, 2012, 5:45pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
A pretty significant postage increase becomes effective on Jan. 27 , 2013::: -
Helen posted an update Monday, Oct 15, 2012, 8:25am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Just thought everyone would want to know ;;;;;;
Bosses Day is Tuesday, October 16, 2012!
Now let me see-----What kind of flowers should I order for myself? -
Helen posted an update Saturday, Oct 13, 2012, 5:29am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Thought anybody who popped in here might get a chuckle from my recent experience.
Will share my yesterday with y’all.
My day improved as time moved it along. We had a beautiful sunny day and I needed to take pictures. Had been somewhat out of sorts as I had spent about 2 hours taking pictures on Wednesday. When I sat down at the computer to crop the pics I laid my SanDisk down for a second right here near the printer. Then could not find it . Thought maybe it fell of the front of my desk so I got a light and got down on the floor. Then got the vacuum out to clean while I was down there. But no SanDisk to be found. A new $12.50 disc and 2 hours work gone, gone , gone. Really 3 hours as I spent nearly an hour looking for it.
My household helper dropped by late this afternoon. She walked over to the computer pulled out the drawer underneath the computer and picked up the disk.
Is that an improved day or what? -
Helen posted an update Thursday, Oct 11, 2012, 5:36am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Today is National Depression Screening Day:: If interested check this out:::
Helen in Indy -
mim posted an update Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012, 11:13am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Max, the friends over on our Book Board were just talking about Dick Francis this morning. I guess his latest is called Bloodline. They are always talking about what they have read lately and I have enjoyed that part so very much.
inmax posted an update Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012, 10:44am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good morning. Why do people always seem to feel so much better when there is sunshine.
Found a couple of Holiday Inn advertising ashtrays. Pleasantly surprised at what they are listing them for. I know...what one lists for and what one gets all a different story!
Anyone here a Dick Francis book fan? Finished one of his older ones, Risk, and was very good. As many of his as I have read I am always surprised when I come across something I haven't read before.
Was in some of the larger stores over the wk-end. Watching the younger kids and feeling so sorrry for them as they pawed through $20. and higher ready made Halloween costumes. I can remember the excitement of putting together a trick or treat costume. Sometimes even had to borrow something from neighbors to make it just right. Everyone joined in the fun.
Took doggie off to be groomed and stopped at grocery store. Picked up ingredients for a big pot of chili.
Hope it is a good day for everyone. Remember what doesn't get done today will be there for tomorrow.
inmax posted an update Monday, Oct 8, 2012, 3:12pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Mim, I miss all the festivals. Always went to the ones around our area, had to get up awfully early to get any of those Amish baked goodies. Have never learned how to make raisin pie like they do. Your family get together sounds wonderful.
Judy are you going to S. Bend? If so, the campus should be beautiful unless wind has blown all the leaves off trees.
Doreen how is DD doing with her golf game? Laughing at all our friends heading down cold to play golf any more in MI.
Hope those high gas prices aren't going to last long.
Hi to all out there lurking. Looks like the blankets are coming out, even under 90 here today.
picker16judy posted an update Monday, Oct 8, 2012, 2:42pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Yikes!! Great!! I see lotsa you who were AWOL!
We were glad to see the Colts win! I used to like the Pack - of course, not ABOVE the Steelers, they have always been #1. But I have a bad (media inspired?) impression of Aaron Rodgers so now I like whoever can beat them. Wrong, maybe, but that's how it is.
Are you ready for this? Mike and his family have long tradition of Notre Dame, so we are going to the Notre Dame/Stanford game. We found out that ESPN College Gameday will be there this week! So look for me on ESPN, I still look just like the pic but without the pipe. LOL
Doreen and any of you who have followed an NFL team for your whole life will be familiar with stories like this, but here is my family's story in connection with the Steelers. I was born in PA, daughter and granddaughter of die-hard Steelers dad & grandpa. With 3 brothers, how could I not join the crows? My oldest brother & SIL have been season ticket holders over 30 years. My dad had a major stroke in Nov 1980 and never walked again, but every year when football season rolled around, we would say "well, he won't die now, it's football season". (Guys have a different sense of humor.) On 12/23/2000, the Stillers played the Chargers in San Diego, my dad was in a nursing home (just for the last 2 weeks) and it was the late game so my bro who is ticket holder watched the game with my dad. The game ended, the Stillers won, it was the last game of the season, and - please don't be depressed - my Dad died not long after the game....early on Christmas morning.
So when you hear a fan say they are "die hard" or they "bleed black and gold", now you know how true that is!!
I had to turn the heat pumps on today! It was 64 in the house! brrr!!
mim posted an update Monday, Oct 8, 2012, 11:53am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Always good to see you too Max. It was Riley Days in Greenfield this weekend. The town turns the weekend into a festival for most of the week honoring it's hometown hero, the poet, James Whitcomb Riley. We did not go as I am not able to do any walking and it is done like a county fair with a big 3 day flea market and antique show, market. I remember years past when I have gone and had a booth at the fairgrounds to sell my books and trinkets. It was usually a fun and so exhausting time. I miss all the fruits and vegetables for sale and the baked goods by the Amish. Yummy huge Amish donuts. Hot if you were there at the right time. Corn on the cob yum! Sausage on a big bun with onions and greenpeppers pilled high. Yum and more yummm. Oh and watermelon too, the best ever. We always took a lot of stuff home and ate well for a week.
mim posted an update Monday, Oct 8, 2012, 11:38am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Hi all. A Colt's family here. I didn't watch all of the game on TV. My son and grandson were there and they have missed few games over the years. I did hear DH talking loudly to the TV near the end so I went to see what all the excitement was. It was a grand and unusual ending with us barely winning but, we did so that is all that matters. The game was dedicated to the Colt's new Coach who has just learned that he has cancer and was getting treatment so was not at the game. The team sent him the winning football and of course there were some happy tears then.
Doreen366ML posted an update Sunday, Oct 7, 2012, 10:22pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Judy see we won...........
Max i go stay with mom. i had a few days off this week. so i went to see my daughter play in a golf match.
cold and rain but still fun -
Helen posted an update Sunday, Oct 7, 2012, 8:41pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Another Colts fan here. Didn't watch the game. I'll read about in the morning paper.
inmax posted an update Sunday, Oct 7, 2012, 7:45pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good evening everyone.
Judy...of course I am a Colts fan!!!
It would break my heart to have to throw away a book. Have found some peole to swap paperbacks with. I guess I read more mysteries then most. I read for the simple enjoyment. Sometimes two wks. later I couldn't tell you who wrote some of them. Love the old cookbooks, especially the church ones. Think my favorite is a Quaker one from my home town in Indiana.
Still having very good luck out at the thrifts and GW stores.
DD telling me it is getting bad already up north. Bet it is going to be a bad winter.
Mim, I saw you had posted on another chat board, so glad things going well.
Hello to all out there, will keep checking to see if anyone shows up here.
picker16judy posted an update Sunday, Oct 7, 2012, 3:41pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Hi y'all. Trying to get my breath back, after watching a Stillers game that they won in the last 3 seconds. Whew, takes a toll on a person. LOL
Doris, I'm so glad you found someone to take the books! I understand why you didn't want to sell them, and it would be hard just to take them to the dump. I used to force myself to finish reading books that I didn't enjoy....until finally I would let myself give up on them. Life is to short to read books we don't enjoy, eh? I forgot to tell you that I write on the books with pencil, lightly, so it can be erased. 🙂
Hope y'all are enjoying a beautimus day! 🙂
Oh, I see the Colts just won! Great! Doris, are you a Colts fan? Anyone here a Colts fan?
Helen posted an update Saturday, Oct 6, 2012, 1:58pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
@drst Good for you on getting the books into the hands of someone who maybe keep them in circulation. I would guess that Russian Literature are not easy to come by . Probably not an influx of people taking those classes either.
For those of you who use Auctiva remember:::Auctiva will be down for scheduled maintenance between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. PST, October 9.
Helen in Indy -
drs-t posted an update Saturday, Oct 6, 2012, 9:08am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Helen! Yes, I did sell a few of them on Amazon last April. Love their "sell yours here". The young man next door was interested in the remaining box so they're now in his hands.
Did you find any information about your fish mugs? I think I have a restaurant ware price guide. (If I haven't already tossed that too!) Will go take a look. Thanks again for your input.
Doris -
Helen posted an update Friday, Oct 5, 2012, 2:00pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
@drst Do those books have ISBN numbers. Or in some cases an ASIN. If no ISBN you'll have to search by author and title. Yiou can use either an ISBN or ASIN to list them on Amazon one book at a time . Amazon charges 99 cents if the book sells. Don't know the real particulars but try searching Amazon for that ISBN . When you find it I think there is a 'Want to sell yours?" and off you go.
Helen in Indy -
drs-t posted an update Wednesday, Oct 3, 2012, 4:50pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Helen, I appreciate your advice. It kills me to get rid of books, any books!
Helen posted an update Wednesday, Oct 3, 2012, 4:09pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
@drst Don't be too hasty about disposing of the Russian Literature books. Perhaps a book store would pick them up. Or try selling a batch here on ebay. The English titles are probably there and it will help if you know them . Helen in Indy
drs-t posted an update Wednesday, Oct 3, 2012, 12:57pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
On second thought the Russian books are going to the dump. I would hate to see disappointment were someone to open a large box only to see they are all Russian!
I just returned what was supposed to be a Coach wallet. Fakes are sure out there. Beware! This will teach me to look at feedback. First! Have a good rest of the day all.
Doris -
drs-t posted an update Tuesday, Oct 2, 2012, 4:55pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Oh JUDY, what a great idea! I should be so organized! Three DDs still have books here too, including a box of Russian literature books that I just uncovered. EEK! Gotta get the charity truck back out here for sure!
Helen posted an update Monday, Oct 1, 2012, 8:40pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
@inmax Hi Max, Glad I dropped by before getting down to my last listing for the day. I was going to ask you about my fish mugs. Indianapolis has never had many places that specialized in seafood. I'll ask around but what might have closed i the last few years. At least I can be pretty confident that they are restaurant ware.
picker16judy posted an update Monday, Oct 1, 2012, 7:08pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Doris, I started writing on the top of my closed books: My grade for them, month and year I read, and my initials. If I graded it a c or lower, I donate. I keep the others. So far, that is, until I absolutely must let them go. 🙂
drs-t posted an update Monday, Oct 1, 2012, 2:30pm EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Hi Max, I'm lurking for a few minutes this afternoon. Just finished getting boxes and boxes of books ready to donate tomorrow. Kills me to part with them. My Grandma had some of those larger sized saucers that she put over her coffee to keep it warm. You nudged my mem'ry.
Happy Birthday to Lou!
inmax posted an update Monday, Oct 1, 2012, 9:26am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good morning, to anyone that might be lurking out there.
Lou, a Happy Birthday to you. Hope things going well. See it has been a long time since you have been in to visit.
Judy, always like to hear what you are up to. Speaking of butter chips, I found you will come across some larger then size you posted. They were used to put over top of your coffeecup/mug to keep your coffee warm. I collect tea leaf ironstone and stumbled across some, and worth quite a bit more then butter chips.
Helen, I see you asking about your "fish" mugs. Have never seen that pattern in any of my restaurantware books. Finding that those companies must have made patterns for every little cafe out there. Shenango is one I look for, and so many stray patterns show up.
Still having warm weather down here. Miss seeing those fall colors.
Hope all doing well. Mim check to see if you posting anywhere.
picker16judy posted an update Monday, Sep 24, 2012, 9:33am EDT, 12 years, 4 months ago
Good morning, friends! I'm loving this fall weather. Crisp sunny mornings. They are the best!
Max, this will probably be more info than you want. LOL Yes, I still walk. I have fibromyalgia so I was taking Lyrica. I felt so much better BUT I was gaining weight even though I was staying on the Weight Watchers diet. I probably gained 10 pounds. I tried to quit the Lyrica a few times but stopping it isn't easy. (They don't tell you that when you start it!) Anyway, I finally weaned off it and now I've started on neurontin (sp?) and I've already lost 7 pounds in two weeks.
It just so happens that East Liverpool, Ohio is close to where I used to live. Actually I did live in East Liverpool for a short while. That whole area was full of potteries. (The high school team is The Potters!) The most famous/best stuff to come out of E.L.O. was Lotus ware. Look it up, it was awesome stuff and they have a museum there. I thought Sterling China was made in Sebring, OH but I'm not sure. I don't "do" pottery LOL.
Yep, butter pats are usually 2 3/4" to 3 1/2". And restaurants used them a lot.
It looks to me like the only thing selling really well is the rare stuff. I'm getting ready to list a lot of stuff we picked up over the summer. I don't think we'll see sales like we used to have. Ever again.
Doreen, our doggone Stillers lost! How DARE they? Let's hope they get healed up on this bye week and come back ready to win some games.
Doris, we have been thinking about selling our house. Wow, it's too big now! When we built we had 3 boys at home but now there's a lot of space that isn't used and I don't want to clean. I never did want to clean or cook, I was always more at home in an office. 😉
I dunno what happened to Allie's post but I couldn't find it either!
Good to see y'all!
cedar 6 posted an update Saturday, Sep 22, 2012, 4:52pm EDT, 12 years, 5 months ago
Good Evening Everyone Hope y'all are all doing well... I have my blankets put together but haven't started sewing any of them right now ...I have some very exciting news.. My 7th Grand Baby was born Thursday and she weighed (9lbs). Such a beautiful sight.Everything is alright and they came home today..
drs-t The oreos sound sooo good do we have time to stop for such a frivolous thing??? hehehe...Talk to y'all later Stay Safe Y'all -
inmax posted an update Monday, Sep 17, 2012, 12:28pm EDT, 12 years, 5 months ago
Afternoon everyone. Hope everyone had a good wk-end. Think fall is in the air in some parts of the country.
Doreen, is your Mother with you or do you have to go to her house? I am sure she enjoys the time with you. Any new babies out in the fields?
Mim, thanks for the information. Have slowed down on trips to Golden Corral. Ours went up on price. I enjoy the wk-end buffets.
Hi to all lurkers.
Doreen366ML posted an update Sunday, Sep 16, 2012, 6:53pm EDT, 12 years, 5 months ago
Hi All i don't have much time to stop in and chat . taking care of mom is a big job.
glad i can do ebay and be with her.
anyone still doing ebay? sales are going well when i get time to list.
i still have check out the free photo host ebay is doing -
mim posted an update Saturday, Sep 15, 2012, 9:34pm EDT, 12 years, 5 months ago
Evening everyone. Just checking all the boards to make sure I haven't missed something important. We have had some wonderful weather. The rain is so welcome, it brings smiles to our face. Don't mind a few drops on the way to the car.
Max, the brick streets were so popular years ago because of all the clay in Indiana to make the bricks with. There even is a small town in Indiana called Clay City, which is know for it's manufacture of clay bricks for use in buildings and flower pot and things like that. That is what is meant by brick red. Course, some of it is a yellow or a bit orange and even shades of brown and gray, just because that is the color of the clay used.
drs-t posted an update Wednesday, Sep 12, 2012, 4:37pm EDT, 12 years, 5 months ago
Love that Red Wing pattern, lucky you MAX, love the cups! Thanks for jogging my brain, sure these little things are butter pats! Now if I could remember where the rest of them are.
Hi Cedar, happy stitchin'! Stop for a coffee and oreo break and I will too.
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