• Hi Cedar!
    My PC bit the dust. Just would t turn on a y more. But I have been checking for updates on you and news from the others. We are on vacation now and the kids have me exhausted. I'm in bed already. Lol. I can hear their dad giving then heck now for goofing off. Lol. Y'all take care, would love to hear from everyone!

  • Swinging by to see how cedar 6 is coming along. Looks like you are doing some healing so you can get back in the battle. Remember you have a big cheering section right here. And a prayer chain.
    Whew! All winter we wanted summer so badly....but 90 in May? I'm not going to complain. 😉
    After I posted here last time I listed some things and sold pretty well. But now it looks like the summer slump is starting. Kids are out of school here so he next 6 weeks it will be useless to list.
    Helen, I tried planting a few tomato plants last year and I flipped out at the tomato worms. Buying them from our local farmer. He's just around the corner and he knows way more than I do about planting and growing. And bugs. Icky.
    Drs-t, landscaping s. lt f work, isn't it? I can't recall anyone doing all the landscaping we do now. Maybe I just didnt notice it but we had a rose bush here and a cedar tree here and that was it! But I do think it's worth the Orkney, everything looks so much nicer. BTW our red Japanese maple looks wonderful, I just trimmed it a little. Monday we planted a new tree that I just had to have....we searched 3 states for it and lo and behold, we found it in he closest nursery. Look it up, y'all, it's really cool. It's called a weeping blue atlas cedar.
    Doreen366ml, yes. I miss the old boards too. I think we all do.

  • Hi Ladies and Richarde!
    So sorry you are going through this cancer battle, Cedar. Will keep you and yours in my prayers. If any of you would like to have my email addy, it is 2pickers (a) horizonview (dot) net. I think if I put it like that the scammers won't find it. We need to be informed when someone is ill. Like Cedar, if she or her family could just keep in touch with one of us, we could all know how she is coming along.

    This week hit the 6 month anniversary of my brother's passing. I'm much better, I didn't know if I would ever be "normal" again but I'm making it. Also my mom's 85th birthday was yesterday.

    We here in southern Ohio have had some really nice spring weather. We've done a lot of yard cleanup and I have some planters done. It's going to get in the 30s next week! OMG, we'll be covering this up and bringing them in. We are getting rain today and I think through the weekend. So drs-t, Doris, I bet you'll be having the same.

    Doreen366ML, I haven't been on ebay much, just got back listing some things and I have a ton of stuff to list. How are your sales going? Or have you even had time to list?

    We are getting the grandsons this weekend. It looks like their mom and dad will get divorced. Mommy is moving into an apartment this weekend and daddy is going to help her. They boys are staying in the house with daddy (our oldest son). Seems like just yesterday they got married. Shoot.

    We went to the Biltmore for our anniversary. It was his turn to pick. I like it better when it's my turn to pick, but the Biltmore was nice. I expected more, really, it was peak Victorian era and they would have had a lot more opulence than it shows. I reckon the family has taken that stuff...which is fine, it was theirs. LOL

    God Bless you all.


  • Helen & Cedar, thanks so much. I can't believe, I'm still struggling. And everywhere I go everyone asks if I have my trees up, etc. I tell them I've been out of town, and they ask what's up and dang, I can't help it, I get weepy. I know this will stop but I don't know when!

    Ian, who is 22 now, is starting to get antsy about the trees, he likes them. Bless his heart, he asked me last night it he could put some up and he did, and wow, he did great!! 🙂

    Hope y'all are doing okay. I think we should all commit to keep in touch and use this board more often. We were so blessed to have our webmaster make it for us!


  • Hi Friends. Hope you all are enjoying family, friends and a great meal today. I have been AWOL, my kid brother passed from cancer on Nov 6. I was with him his last week and when he passed so I am trying to rest and get emotionally re-charged. Only 3 trees up. God Bless you all.

  • Helen! Darling picture!! The link to my auctions never has worked. I tried to see Doreen's several times but hers does the same thing.

    Storm is wicked but I have other worries today.

  • Doreen! I had a typo in my story!! The game was on 12/24/00!! Those uniforms yesterday were just awful. LOL

    My kid brother is very ill so I'm not feeling very social but wanted to check in and see how everyone is faring with this hurricane and storms!

  • Yikes!! Great!! I see lotsa you who were AWOL!

    We were glad to see the Colts win! I used to like the Pack - of course, not ABOVE the Steelers, they have always been #1. But I have a bad (media inspired?) impression of Aaron Rodgers so now I like whoever can beat them. Wrong, maybe, but that's how it is.

    Are you ready for this? Mike and his family have long tradition of Notre Dame, so we are going to the Notre Dame/Stanford game. We found out that ESPN College Gameday will be there this week! So look for me on ESPN, I still look just like the pic but without the pipe. LOL

    Doreen and any of you who have followed an NFL team for your whole life will be familiar with stories like this, but here is my family's story in connection with the Steelers. I was born in PA, daughter and granddaughter of die-hard Steelers dad & grandpa. With 3 brothers, how could I not join the crows? My oldest brother & SIL have been season ticket holders over 30 years. My dad had a major stroke in Nov 1980 and never walked again, but every year when football season rolled around, we would say "well, he won't die now, it's football season". (Guys have a different sense of humor.) On 12/23/2000, the Stillers played the Chargers in San Diego, my dad was in a nursing home (just for the last 2 weeks) and it was the late game so my bro who is ticket holder watched the game with my dad. The game ended, the Stillers won, it was the last game of the season, and - please don't be depressed - my Dad died not long after the game....early on Christmas morning.

    So when you hear a fan say they are "die hard" or they "bleed black and gold", now you know how true that is!!

    I had to turn the heat pumps on today! It was 64 in the house! brrr!!



  • Hi y'all. Trying to get my breath back, after watching a Stillers game that they won in the last 3 seconds. Whew, takes a toll on a person. LOL

    Doris, I'm so glad you found someone to take the books! I understand why you didn't want to sell them, and it would be hard just to take them to the dump. I used to force myself to finish reading books that I didn't enjoy....until finally I would let myself give up on them. Life is to short to read books we don't enjoy, eh? I forgot to tell you that I write on the books with pencil, lightly, so it can be erased. 🙂

    Hope y'all are enjoying a beautimus day! 🙂

    Oh, I see the Colts just won! Great! Doris, are you a Colts fan? Anyone here a Colts fan?


  • Doris, I started writing on the top of my closed books: My grade for them, month and year I read, and my initials. If I graded it a c or lower, I donate. I keep the others. So far, that is, until I absolutely must let them go. 🙂

  • Good morning, friends! I'm loving this fall weather. Crisp sunny mornings. They are the best!

    Max, this will probably be more info than you want. LOL Yes, I still walk. I have fibromyalgia so I was taking Lyrica. I felt so much better BUT I was gaining weight even though I was staying on the Weight Watchers diet. I probably gained 10 pounds. I tried to quit the Lyrica a few times but stopping it isn't easy. (They don't tell you that when you start it!) Anyway, I finally weaned off it and now I've started on neurontin (sp?) and I've already lost 7 pounds in two weeks.

    It just so happens that East Liverpool, Ohio is close to where I used to live. Actually I did live in East Liverpool for a short while. That whole area was full of potteries. (The high school team is The Potters!) The most famous/best stuff to come out of E.L.O. was Lotus ware. Look it up, it was awesome stuff and they have a museum there. I thought Sterling China was made in Sebring, OH but I'm not sure. I don't "do" pottery LOL.

    Yep, butter pats are usually 2 3/4" to 3 1/2". And restaurants used them a lot.

    It looks to me like the only thing selling really well is the rare stuff. I'm getting ready to list a lot of stuff we picked up over the summer. I don't think we'll see sales like we used to have. Ever again.

    Doreen, our doggone Stillers lost! How DARE they? Let's hope they get healed up on this bye week and come back ready to win some games.

    Doris, we have been thinking about selling our house. Wow, it's too big now! When we built we had 3 boys at home but now there's a lot of space that isn't used and I don't want to clean. I never did want to clean or cook, I was always more at home in an office. 😉

    I dunno what happened to Allie's post but I couldn't find it either!

    Good to see y'all!


  • Hi Friends! We have been drier than normal here but there has been enough rain for the corn and soybeans to grow so we have noticed much, much more being grown by the farmers here. We think when the drought began, they took a chance and planted way more than usual and it will pay off for them. We are 1 hour from Huntington WV and when we drive there we see corn for miles. Yes, no kidding, miles! And soybeans, too.

    Believe it or not - I was surprised myself, I did sell some things on ebay a couple weeks ago. Right now, I'm taking some down time. Enjoying the quiet since Ian is back to school (he turned 22 yesterday!!). It's hot during the days but cooler nights so I've been walking early. So pretty out!

    Cedar, seems we all have aches and pains that come along with those birthdays! Just take it easy, exercise lightly and don't over-do.

    Max! I guess you are going to stay down there all year? Will the family be going to visit you for the holidays?

    Hi to Mim! I hope she's okay. And I hope more of our old friends show up when summers over.

    Y'all take care!

  • In our next exciting episode..... 😉

    I forgot to tell Doreen about ebay tracking. On your ebay selling page, on sold items, beneath the buyers name you will see [add]. You click on add and you can add the delivery confirmation number OR in your case, the number on the customs form (I think it usually begins with cw and then numerals). If you enter that info, you can click on the customs form number and it will show you if the package has been delivered (or where it is, if it has moved through customs, etc). Many countries have awful post systems; Italy is famous for poor postal system (theft). You may want to ship internationally but select some countries to exclude. 🙂

    I realize that info is too late for you since that was almost a month ago but maybe it'll help another time, or seller.

    Absolutely gorgeous day in Ohio today. So far I haven't seen Gomer or Goober but I added some strawberries to the banana in their transport module.

  • Wow, did I ramble on or what? That's the last time y'all will ask for posts. LOL

  • Hi friends! Beat me with a wet noodle, I feel so guilty that I haven't frequented the board and am going to try harder to make it a point to visit with y'all.

    Mim, sorry you had that problem with gout. I have heard it is terribly painful. I won't go into a long story but everyone should be taking vitamin D because it does prevent tiny fractures, like what you thought you had. I learned the hard way, the 3 most common signs of vit D deficiency is bone pain, muscle pain, and sleep disorders. Maybe you don't want to get checked but for only $5 a month you can get those levels up.

    Doris, I got a new iPhone and have your email addy in there so I haven't forgotten you! We have had a crazy year. Here it is halfway over...is there no normal?

    Doreen, I'm sure you heard that Hines is going to NBC Sports. I hope we still like him there. LOL

    For those of you who are selling, or trying to sell, I agree it is very difficult. I finally just got Power Seller tag back but that doesn't mean anything to me. I have had to relist and relist. I dislike so much about ebay but my biggest complaint is the sellers who have a shop in Ruby Lane, list things on ebay cheap, and when you click on the picture to see the item it takes you right to Ruby Lane and their sales there. This is bull crap IMO, but ebay doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

    Okay, to catch you up a little on my life, we celebrated our anniversary in Colorado this past April. After years of Mike working shift work, and raising 3 boys, we had only had 2 anniversaries where we got to celebrate on the actual day. Now that Opie (our youngest, his name is really Ian) will be 22 and is back home with us, working and going to college, he has become responsible (OMG, I can't believe that happened LOL) and takes care of Heidi, our shih tzu. So I surprised Mike, told him to see if he could get certain days off, he got them off but didn't know where we were going. I had been to Rocky Mountain National Park several times but he had never been so that's where we went, stayed in a super place in Estes Park with a view of the town, and hiked in the mountains. It was great sharing the experience with him. Now, this coming Saturday we are flying to Fort Myers, FL, and we are staying on Sanibel Island for a week while I quietly celebrate my 60th birthday. Ugh, I can't believe I'm that old but at least I feel a heck of a lot better than I did at 50!!! This is the most exciting thing about this birthday trip...Mike and I are going to meet Carol aka ginnyrose, who usually posts on the antiques board. We have become close friends through Ruthie aka etc-etc and franknfrank, who lives not too far from us and we have met. But meeting Carol is going to be wonderful. It really annoys me when I hear people say "just internet friends" because we have developed some really lovely internet friends!!

    We have discovered visitors living under our wood pile. Mike saw a small groundhog a few days ago. Everyone said to shoot it but no way, we couldn't kill an animal (I know he's a rodent and we could kill a rat or mouse but not him). Mike asked me if I named him and I told him no, I don't want to get that friendly with him. LOL But I did name him yesterday....Gomer Groundhog. I was amazed when I looked out today and saw Gomer has a twin, so it's Gomer and Goober and we have what I call a "transport module", a trap set for him/them so we can relocate them. I will let you know if they like bananas. LOL

    Max, 3.24 for gas is really cheap. Ours hovers around 3.80.

    I have hundreds of old paperback books that I dig through and read but lately have been reading Kindle books that Carol loans to me.

    I am going to send a link to this page to my iPhone so I can keep track of y'all. I agree that we should all stay in touch.

    Hugs to y'all. 🙂

  • Hi to alla yunz! OMG, this weather is unbelievable! Last fall we sprayed grass killer on all our front lawn, waited 4 weeks (yes, it looked awful) and rented a seeder and seeded it. Then, while KISA was at work every day, I watered it. We now have the lushest lawn, but it was 9" tall and I had to push mow it (and bag it). That was 2 or 3 days ago and it needs done again already. I think we are going to call ChemLawn or some other company to come in and treat it to keep the weeds from taking over again. We are very rural, just 17 lots on what used to be a big farm, so keeping weed seeds out is a little tougher than in the city. I just thank God that I feel well enough to go out and push mow (though KISA was angry with me when he came home from work and I was still red...LOL...Opie was here and was begging me to let him do it but I wanted the exercise.

    Doreen366ML, you are really finding some good old stuff. I remember those ash trays with the cork bottom. That's what they used in bars, and the dorms. And the big square thing, well, I think that was just a decorative piece that would have been on someone's coffee table in the 60s. Pretty cool. Speaking of Zippo, they were made in Bradford, PA, not far from where I was born. 🙂

    inmax and mim, Okay, I'm still trying to lose weight so stop it with the cookie talk. Or can you just whisper when you talk about them? I lost 20 pounds right off the bat...a year ago, on Weight Watchers. Now I can't lose 15 more FOR NOTHING!! My family is getting sick of eating what I want to eat/cook, so they are all cheating. I find pizza boxes in the trash and ice cream gallons in the freezer but I am sticking with it, to no avail. I am determined that it's coming off before June!! I will start walking more now that summer is here. (I know winter just officially ended yesterday but it was 87 here today, broke records.) All our trees are blooming, tulips are up and one of the 120 is blooming.

    inmax, the golf trip is closing in on us, I think they leave Sunday. I will still have Opie here with me for the week, he has (college) classes that week so couldn't go this year, and for the first couple days I will be helping oldest son & wife and will have the (2) grandsons. Lord, give me energy for those 3 days. 🙂

    A few years ago, our jsan was amazed at my Blackberry. Now I have an iPhone. ROFL It even has a cloud. What next...your phone has a cloud? I am having an extra hard time with it because of the touch screen and my nails. I know the nails are going to have to go but I'm just not ready for that yet.

    ginnyrose_Carol, good to see you here, you have always been so kind and helpful. You are a sweetie.

    Doreen, I did so good yesterday when Hines had his press conference. I didn't shed a tear but I sure was full of pride, so glad we had him for 14 years and he is retiring black and gold. Am curious to know if he sells his house by you. For some odd reason, I want him to keep it, just so he still seems "connected".

    drs-t, a special howdy to you! I am slowly getting email addys put in my iphone, got you in there but still have a long way to go. (Got past the "Ds" and into the "Es". In two days. 😉

    Great to see all of you.


  • Hi y'all! We are in southern Ohio, the storms were just south of us last night. Very scary, we were in the basement, prepared for the worst but had severe thunderstorms and hail but no one hurt in our area. What a blessing. Our prayers go out to all those affected by the storms last night and today in the deeper south.

    Yes, Doreen366ML, I can see your auctions now! Lots of cool stuff. I never heard of the Kulta Silver but sounds like a great find! I was sad to see Hines released, and Aaron Smith and Farrior, too, but it's a business and if we want to win, we need to get some younger guys. Hines would be a great receivers coach!

    mim, wow, you sure did a great job describing your scene. How wonderful that you take the time to smell (and see!) the roses.

    KISA is off today and wants to go mall crawling. He has a golf trip planned later this month and my guess is there are some golf things he simply must have. 😉

    Y'all have a great weekend. I hope everyone is safe.


  • Mopboards!! I had forgotten that, too. We always called them baseboards and when March rolled around my mom had me cleaning them with Murphy's Oil Soap. There was one room, the parlor, that "we" painted every year, at least once and usually twice. Everything was painted white...ceiling, walls, and woodwork. I got so that when I was a teenager I could do it all in one day. My sister is five years older than me and she was a little naughty so when I got in my teens, I learned to work. Instead of going to dances and football games, I learned to reupholster furniture, put ceiling tiles up and refinish hardwood floors. No wonder I was worn out by the age of 20. 😉

    When I trim Heidi's hair this time of year I put the hair out for the birds and they love it. In the fall, I don't put it out because I'm afraid mice would love it, too. I just got that little girl a bottle of shampoo that was $22. Ha, I would never pay that for myself and if KISA knew it he would think I was crazy (he's right a lot, ya know LOL).

    I see the deer ARE eating my tulips as they come up so I am going to try to devise some way to put nylon net over them so they can't get to them. It has worked well on the shrubs (except one, the wind blew the netting off). We have been blessed with such a warm winter that we have hardly had to use the woodburner at all!

    jsan, that Skitter is getting old! I'll bet he's been hanging around you at least 10 years. Yes, time flies! Heidi just turned 8. (It was in the paper and the town had a small parade and you might have seen it on FOX News or CNN. ROFL)

    Yes, inmax, there are 2 left and I don't care. Ha. They will come down sometime. I remember when we finished the basement, I had a tree up in our bathroom when they started and it was such a mess we just left the tree up until June. I swear, that's the longest I've ever had one up and it was extenuating circumstances. Right now I'm thinking about putting up an Easter tree. I bought some of those glitter branches with rice lights and as soon as I figure out what I'm going to put them in.... 🙂

    Doreen366ML, you are going to have to shorten your name. 😉 I will go check out your valentines, I love to see your auctions. I have some headvases that I thought would do well but they are just sitting there on ebay, just like they did here at home. LOL

    Hi to mim! Hope all is well with you and yours! Y'all have a great weekend!


  • jsan, just send the kindle fire to me. Problem solved. Next problem? 😉

  • Good morning! I still think our tulips should be showing more leaves than they are but I do think the critters are eating them. We covered our shrubs with green nylon net (we are far from the street so people don't see it LOL) and that keeps them from eating the shrubs. I know I should do what Allie does and put chicken wire around them when I plant.

    jsan, it's so nice to see you here! We need to encourage our old pals to start posting on this site. It's so nice, I really do think it's great! No, I haven't told a single person about my latest sale. The buyer picked it up last Saturday. For our friends who used to watch each others auctions, I'll let you know I haven't sold any Greyhound buses in a long, long time. But I recently sold a camper (under by brother's ID). LOL He emailed the pics to me, and the description, and I signed in on his account and listed it. Pretty funny, it sold the first time. I'm not trying to sell y'all anything but I have some head vases and napkin dolls listed and you might want to see them...I'm saying just in a trip through nostalgia way! 🙂

    Um, notice how I am avoiding the trees question? I still have two up. LOL They are in the master bed and bath and I'll take them down soon. *blushing*

    mim, your city certainly did a wonderful job hosting the Super Bowl! I am a football fan and I follow that pretty closely, and all the writers said what a friendly, walkable city. Congrats to you and all the citizens of your city! (Dallas, wow, did I hear not-good things from there!)

    My friend is coming over and we are going to highlight each others hair but I want to take a moment to tell y'all about something I just learned yesterday!! If you have a cell phone and text, you need to know about this! Our phone bill came and it was $10.66 more than usual. It was on Opie's phone, so I asked him if he subscribed to something and he said no, he doesn't do that. I called AT&T and talked to very nice guy and he checked it out for me. This is true, folks, it happened to us. On Feb 5, Opie got a text, he didn't know the sender so her just deleted it. Lo and behold, when he did that, he signed up for a monthly subscription to Coupongogo, and it would cost him $10.66 a month!! What!! The story here is you MUST read the email and respond with STOP or whatever it says you have to do. If you delete, you've signed up! The guy at AT&T was kind enough to take that off our bill AND to put a stop on it so now, when Opie wants to buy something, he has to use a PIN. You can probably go to your providers web site and go to "parental controls" and stop that from happening. Ray, at AT&T, told me he had just spoken to a guy who had over $100 of this stuff on his bill. Like I said, this isn't some email that's going around on the web, it happened to us. I know most of you don't have a cell phone but let your kids or grandkids know not to just delete a text if they dont' know who it's from.

    Okay. Off the soap box. Hi to all I didn't mention. Sun is shining here, should be a great day. Hope all is right with doreen366 ML, Helen, drs-t, ALLIE and alla y'all.


  • mim, I planted about 125 tulips and I keep looking for signs of them but nothing so far. I hope the darned old moles didn't get them!

  • Hi to all my friends! I have missed visiting with you all. Guess what!? I only have 2 trees left. My goal is to get them all down by Valentine's Day but this year, the 2 that are left are in our master bed and bath and we both enjoy them so I'm not in any hurry to get them down. Tonight, we worked on the (huge) space where we store all this stuff and we are trying to whittle things down, getting rid of some stuff (like crap his mom gave us that we don't like and takes up a bunch of space) and transferring things to smaller boxes. We can't get it all done in one night but it seems we are making some room. Of course we have "important" boxes of stuff that belong to the boys. Important, but not important enough to take to their homes. LOL

    We have had the most mild winter! I don't recall ever having one like this. We had less than an inch of snow this morning, and a couple weeks ago we had a dusting, but that's been it! Not even using much gas for heat. Now, not complaining here...just sayin'. 😉

    Me? No, I don't like dishes. *ahem*

    Today is Heidi's (our dog) 8th birthday. She is still the princess here. Opie says she thinks she is a rich, female human. LOL

    Doreen! Let us know about daughter and the golf team. You know, I still get my own auctions when I try to see yours. I dunno?

    drs-t, hope you are all healed up and are feeling brand new. I loved the Super Bowl even though my team wasn't in it and I was so glad to see the G-Men win again!

    OMG, Allie, Swamp People is a show on the History Channel and the new season starts tomorrow (the 9th) at 9 ET. It's so funny, I got all my guys watching it, and now our Jsan even likes it. Really what got me started watching was the scenery, it is in the swamps of Louisiana, but it is basically about gator hunting. It's a hoot! I am so glad it comes on after football season ends!
    IMO, there is no sales venue that comes anything close to ebay. I know that's not what you want to hear but that's what I really think. See, ebay sales have fallen - a lot - in the past few years but other sites have, too. Of course it depends on what you are selling, but for me, ebay is best. I know some sellers of fine antiques sell on Ruby Lane, and I even know that some of my buyers re-sell on Ruby Lane, but that's okay with me. I know one lady bought something and she had it listed on Ruby Lane for 3 years. I would rather buy it, resell and make a quick few bucks and keep things moving.

    Doggone, it's past midnight and Heidi's birthday is over! 😉 Good night, all you sweet peeps!


  • Hi Friends. Sorry I have to make this quick, I'm getting pulled in 20 directions! But I wanted to suggest to Doreen, to put "beatnik" and "cougar" in her title. That thing is really cool!

  • Gail, Just to meet your friends I went over and checked the glassies and saw Wes' lamp. I adore it and wondered if he had it listed on ebay. Do you know his ebay userID? Thanks.

  • Hi Gail! So nice to meet you! By some divine reason, I wound up being a poster on the ad coll board on ebay, which of course then migrated to this spot. I don't know anything about ad coll nor glass, I only know a tiny bit about "baked dirt" (as etcetc Ruthie calls it). I'll send a couple emails around to see if I can get some peeps to peek in here and check out your mug.

  • FYI. Swamp People starts February 9th. ROFL

  • Hi Y'all and Happy New Year!
    Mim! I am jealous. LOL I have wanted a kindle and an iphone 4s but I'm to cheap to get them! I suppose I will, someday, when I am the last one without.
    Doreen!! OMG, we are in the playoffs. If we don't win Sunday I will crawl under a rock until Swamp People come back on the History Channel. They are the only ones who keep me entertained when NFL is over.

    Our GW is so awful, terribly terrible that I never go there any more. They smell horrid and the prices are way higher than any other GW I've ever been in. They moved from one end of town a few years ago, then got a new manager and it has gone down the tubes. But we have one in WV only a couple miles away and it's much more pleasant and reasonable. I see everyone from our town over there.

    Cedar, I hope your knee has recovered. You better quit playing games on the computer. Remember those days when you worked and wanted to retire so badly? You has so many things you intended to do. Was playing on the computer all day on that list? LOL You have to manage your time. Only so much time alloted for playing Farmville. 😉 I used to be hooked on Book Worm, a word game. I played it all night; finally realized I didn't have time to do that! 🙂

    Max, we had a bitter cold couple of nights, had the wood burner stoked, but now it's gotten milder and we let the fire go out.

    How nice to see that Allie peep in! I thought she had forgotten us. 🙂

    Happy New Year hugs to alla y'all!


  • Wow, Doris, those sound great!

    Doreen, yes, they should have rested Ben. Now I'm sick of hearing how the 9ers really are a contending team because they beat the Steeelers. Oh, really? You can't even call the Stillers a good team when they are playing with 1/4 of a QB (maybe I have finally discovered why they call them QUARTER backs LOL), 3 of the O-line out, and 3 of the D out or crippled. Ah, I know, "the standard is the standard". LOL

    Doris, are you doing lots of baking? I mean, burning? 😉

    Y'all take care. Hope to see you before Santa arrives.

  • Hi Doreen! OMG, I thought Ben was gone for the whole season. I sent my brother, (he and his wife have had season tickets for 30+ years) a text while he was at the game and I said "you can kiss the season goodbye". I didn't hear back from him until after half time, when Ben was back, and bro sent "Kisssssssssssss". LOL
    Well, I checked my link and it took me to my auctions. Then I checked your link, and it took me to my auctions, too. ROFL

    God Bless you and your Mom. How wonderful that she got that special care only a daughter can give!! KISA (for new posters, I call my DH KISA (Knight in shining armor) and I have begged my Mom to come stay with us until she gets stronger but she is so stubborn she won't come. She wouldn't be giving up her privacy, we have lots of space and she would have her own MIL apartment but she won't even consider it!
    Hope Mim is okay! And all the rest of you! I've been putting trees up, the grandsons are coming Christmas day, in the afternoon. 🙂

  • Mim, finally, the retailers are starting to sell things for people on special diets. I have a sister-in-law who has celiac, and even a tiny dot of gluten makes her violently ill. (I know Lou is one of the people who know a lot about this and is very helpful with info.) When she was diagnosed about 12 years ago there was almost nothing on the market for her. Now she can buy cake mixes at WalMart. If you do a little searching on the net, maybe you could find some good advice there. You know, our doctors don't have time to tell us all we need to know about this kind of thing.
    As far as commercials, there is one on ESPN that I just LOVE! It's Steelers fans waving Terrible Towels, all over the world, you can tell where they are and it's so cute...especially if you love the Steelers like Doreen and I do. There are Towels waving from Dancing with the Stars TV show to China's Great Wall. As a matter of fact, here's a link to it! 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C8_bt1_4No

    I am putting the snowing tree up. It takes two days (or longer) to put it up. Snow (styrofoam beads) comes out of a tube on the top and falls through the tree into a base on the bottom. They recycle much like a fountain recycles water. Then, I put ornaments on it that turn (called ornament motors) so some of the ornaments turn. Kids love it. That means me, too, the biggest kid. LOL

    Hi to all. Hope everything is going good for you!


  • Hi Y'all! I only have two trees up!! My friends think I've gone loco. LOL I've been busy but then, the things that usually set me in motion aren't working. Usually, if I buy some new ornaments and leave them out to see, or do the same thing with some favorite old ornaments, that gets my blood stirring. But it just isn't working. I feel fine, just not getting that urge. 😉

    Is Amy moving or what's going on with her? New York? I would rather be in Florida, I think. Maybe Mid-South but sure not that far north, if I had my choice, that is.

    We used to live in very rural PA, and my oldest brother and mom would go out every year and cut our tree down. I thought they were lovely then, but now when I look at the pictures...uh, maybe not so much. LOL

    Doreen, another big game coming up Sunday. Ha, my bro and sis-in-law go to the games so I wait till TV timeouts to text him. We usually gripe back and forth. Sure do hope we win, that last loss to the Ravens could kill us in the end!

    Things aren't looking very good for ebay sales. At least for me. I was hoping for a December pick-up. Not THAT kind of pick-up. 😉

    Hugs to y'all.


  • Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!!
    Max, our youngest is working at a local greenhouse. They are getting trees in now. Let me tell you this about the trees...years ago (1980s) I was driving across the mountains toward Maryland for Thanksgiving. I couldn't believe how many huge trucks full of Christmas trees I saw!! Don't be fooled; you can buy one tomorrow, put take it home and put it in water. Or you can wait 3 weeks and buy one just like it that has been sitting outside without water. Unless you cut your own, you just don't know how long it's been hanging around. I used to put up several live trees but when I burned one outside after Christmas once, and saw how fast it went up, all the ones in our house are artificial now. I don't care if you had a whole barrel of water beside it, if it went up in flames you wouldn't stand a chance.
    Whew, I didn't mean to sound so critical/bossy. LOL
    Crash those diets!! Don't forget the pecan pie! 🙂
    Hugs to alla y'all.

  • Me again. I see on the antiques board that mim is having some breathing problems. God Bless you, mim, will keep you in my prayers!

  • Happy Birthday to Doreen! I didn't want that special message to get lost in that long post down there!

  • The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. LOL I have been busy but I don't see any fruits of my labor! I spent 4 hours at Wallyworld today! I had two memory sticks with photos that I wanted to get developed. I knew better than to subject myself to that experience, I have to mentally prepare myself beginning the night before because it's always ugly for me. Oh my! My photos went to "limbo" (that's what the photo specialist said) and they wouldn't print. TWO HOURS it took for them to get from the system to the printer. They had to stop every single one of their photo stations in the store. Everyone was looking at me like I had a crying, screaming baby on an airplane. Finally got the pics and I will never go with more than 15 pictures. Whew.
    Mim, I am a freak for Christmas trees. I have had 28 trees up at once, yes, in my house, and they are 7 1/2 feet tall to 12 feet tall. We have 3 twelve-footers. I don't have any up yet, I usually start in October, but I will probably start tomorrow. You wouldn't believe the storage space all the trees and ornaments take up! But KISA (my husband, I call him KISA because he's my Knight In Shining Armor) carries the boxes, and when the boys are around they carry them, too. I have a tree that snows...it recycles styrofoam beads, they blow out a tube at the top of the tree and fall down through the branches into a basin at the bottom; it works like a water fountain. Pretty cool. Ha, it doesn't take a lot to thrill me.
    Doreen, we have a bye week and it couldn't have come at a better time. It'll give Ben's broken thumb some time to heal. What do you think about Hines, they aren't using him much. Do you think he is on his way out? I sure hope not, I know they need to keep young blood in the team but he is such an inspiration, I would like for him to retire a Steeler.
    Max, when I married KISA (he was a widower) he had an enormous Christmas cactus. It usually bloomed at Easter. That thing was a monster, it was always dropping "parts" and the dog would get them off the floor. I finally gave it to his former sister-in-law, she was happy to get it because it was her sister's and I was happy to see it go. How are you doing? Feel 100% now?
    drs-t, I had beautiful ferns on our porch during the summer. It hurt to throw them away but I did. They just make such a mess in the house, I don't think it's worth keeping them. I try not to think about what I paid for all the summer flowers I tossed. ;)-
    There are only going to be 4 of us here for Thanksgiving so we are getting our dinner from Bob Evans. We did that last year and wow, it's so nice to not work like a dog on the holiday! I love to watch football!
    B4, does Justyn enjoy the holidays? Speaking of selling on ebay, and pictures...I notice a lot of auctions listed with mobile phones. I do believe there is an app for listing on ebay! Take the photos with your iphone and away you go!

    DOREEN!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs to alla yunz.


  • Doreen!! I have been reading all the Stillers and NFL sites! I'm SO pumped for the game! Did you see Suggs presser? It is so good. See if you can find the video, I think it was on the Ravens site. Hilarious. I sure hope we win!

  • Sorry, Max, I've been using jewelry since 1980. I went to flea markets all summer and bought the old beads (the ones that had several strands) that ladies wore in the 40s and 50s; pink, blue and aurora borelis and took them all apart and made long garlands with them. I even used all the findings that separated the beads, etc. Back then, I bought them for 50 cents per necklace. Now when I see them in antiques stores I feel really guilty. LOL But I still have the garlands. I haven't started yet! But I will soon. I'm a little late.

    Clem, my favorite advertising was the Budweiser frogs and lizards. I don't collect ad collectibles, I asked about something 10 years ago on the ebay a/c board and hung around 'cause I liked the peeps. BTW, is there anything that's not in a slump? 😉

    b4, awww, Justyn has his ways of letting you know. I sure hope he's better now. That dental pain...there's nothing worse!

  • Hi saraSarah! A great granddaughter! Wow, that's wonderful. We have two grandsons 4 and 1, and I still can't get over how wonderful they are! I am in Ohio. I hate cooking, love eating, collect Christmas ornaments and trees, shoes, and I sell antique porcelain. I don't know if I can say I collect antique porcelain because I like to keep it moving through here if I can. LOL

  • Is it shysaraSarah? Please introduce yourself to us!

    mim, try this, you'll love it! And on the Weightwatchers plan, it's only 4 points (for an small sweet potato). That means you could probably eat 7 of them a day (and nothing else LOL) Bake a sweet potato in your microwave oven, about the same time a regular potato takes. When done, cut it open, spray with "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray (it's in the cooler with the other butters & margarines). It has 0 sodium. Now sprinkle some cinnamon on it!

    Hi to everyone!

  • mim, try Weight Watchers! You can do it on line, but once you learn it and get a couple books, you will love it! You're never hungry and you will lose weight!

    Lighterlady, all the boards are slow. The 'forums' on ebay have people but they are terribly awkward to navigate around, IMO.

  • Max! You go to Huntington? I am about an hour from there. That's our nearest "city". 🙂

    Hi richarde! And alla y'all!

  • B4, I am in southern Ohio now, about an hour from Marietta. I used to live in Jefferson County. There were some Amish men who attacked some other Amish men and women, by cutting their beards and hair. It was on the national news! LOL There are Amish in many parts of Ohio, in Holmes County there is the largest community in the country and people flock to the markets there. Where I live now, there are even hitching posts at the grocery stores so they can hitch their horses & wagons. Some of the Amish from Holmes County moved to Jefferson to start their own sect and I guess it hasn't been going well. I thought it was funny that they got an interpreter who speaks Pennsylvania Dutch. 😉

    And, the A/C loved it that you stuck around!

  • Max, yippee, another Christmas tree! You can never have too many! 🙂

    The hair-cutting Amish in Ohio; that just happens to be the county I used to live in! The sheriff is the best ever! My friends & family who still live there can't understand why that story is making national news. LOL

    Good to see everyone here and glad y'all are reminding the peeps on ebay boards where we are.

    Time to cook. Ugh.


  • Cedar, that's me. A real long time ago. I have another pic my mom took right after that one, where I'm smoking the pipe. I'll put in on there someday.

    B4, I've been known to put as many as 30 trees up so I have to start early. I think it's so cool to walk around at night with all the trees lit. When I was a kid, I wondered why all the ladies only wore one diamond ring and had one Christmas tree. I mean, they are so cool, why just have one? I made sure I had several of both. LOL
    There is some sugar in the cuke recipe. I couldn't get it right, don't know what else is in the one I like.

  • Because of my mom, I breezed through home ec. Well, the sewing part. The cooking part, um, I made sure I had a good partner. LOL I still hate to cook!

    Cedar, my ebay sales are awful. I had some really rare vases listed. After 4 days, they only had one view. That was me, because I was wondering if the counter was working. ROFL Those things are valued at $1200 in the book, and I can't get $400 for them. Usually, I get someone that has a shop in NYC or an interior decorator that picks that kind of stuff up, and then gets the book value for them. Not happening. When we got my car I promised KISA I would make the payments. I try hard to sell stuff but he tells me not to sell the stuff, to buy when it's going so cheap. Maybe the summer slump isn't going to stop this year.

    D2oris, when I was a kid, I would pretend I was a secretary. Put our phone on the desk, and pencils, etc. When I was a senior in high school, right before graduation, the local steel mill came in and tested the office staff. I was the only one who passed the 'stenographer's' test. There were two who passed the secretary's test. I did did their secretary tests for them after I got mine done. I just loved that type of work! Then I grew up and started with being a clerk in an office and ended up being the plant manager's administrative assistant. Don't you know...now I refuse to answer the phone. Drives my family crazy. I tell them it doesn't pay enough to answer the phone at home. LOL I never did have to use shorthand. The only thing I didn't like about that job was I would be so busy, and really, I know I made a difference. But at the end of the day, you couldn't see a thing for all the hard work I did! 🙂
    I'm sure you heard on the news about the study where insulin nose spray was showing a lot of promise for memory loss patients. Maybe some hope there for DH?
    I think our nearest JoAnn's (50 miles away), is still open. We had a little one here in the town where I live but it closed years ago. When I worked there (1971) they refused to sell craft supplies. Now, more than 50% of the store is craft supplies. They had such beautiful fabric back in those days. I don't think anyone sells really nice fabric now, it would cost too much.

    One of my friends told me that they brought the fabric back because so many people complained. I don't think that's true, I think they brought it back for 'the bottom line'.

    I started watching Dancing with the Stars last season when a Steelers wide receiver was on, and he was the winner!

    Speaking of Steelers, where is Doreen?

    There are a lot of our friends missing. I hope when winter rolls around they will be showing up to join us.

    Max, my mom used to make calf liver with onions and green pepper. About thirty years ago, I started craving that so I decided I would make it. One look at that in the skillet, and the smell, I got dry heaves and had to throw it outside. Never, ever, craved it again. LOL
    Your infection was very scary and I'm so glad you are finally fully recovered!

    I'm starting to get the urge to put up Christmas trees. It'll be October before you know it, and away I'll go! I might break a record for the number of trees this year. 😉

    Y'all have a great day!


  • Hey y'all! Sewing. You must have heard me cussing last week. LOL I washed some lace curtains and the top hem came out of one. Then, I lost a little weight and needed to take some pants in. KISA went on a golf trip for a week and I had him get one of the sewing machines out before he left. When I was 10, I was making my own school clothes, just simple skirts with elastic waistband. I sewed all my own clothes from then on, clear through high school. When a JoAnn Fabrics came to the town where I was living when I was 19, I went in to apply for a job. I was wearing a pants suit I made. I filled out the application, the guy who was hiring asked me if I made my suit and I told him yes. He told me to go home and change into work clothes. We opened that store, oh my heavens, y'all would never believe how much work that was, unpacking all that stuff and putting it out. Anyway, I sewed for most my life. Then, I suddenly hated to sew!! Now I only do it when I absolutely have to...if KISA wants a button sewn on, I take it to the dry cleaners. LOL I made all the window treatments in our house, except for the lace curtains, but now I just shudder at the thought of the sewing machine. What used to make me feel good and creative, now turns me into threadzilla. I think those of you who sew would agree with me that it's better to make something from scratch than to make repairs. Ugh. I never did the counted cross stitch, it seemed like way too much work for that small end result. I started making a cathedral pane quilt about 25 years ago. I still have it, it's about 1/3 of the way done, and I know I'll never finish it. That was back in the days when I sewed 50 stitches per inch. 😉 Our local WalMart took all their fabric dept out about a year ago. Last month, they brought it back! I guess enough women complained!

    D2oris, I'm glad you can navigate the stairs. Hope you are being extra careful. Somehow, I think you are clenching onto the handrail extra tight. I'm glad all went fine with DH's surgery. That sure has progressed, I remember when the patient couldn't move his head for x amount of time and it was a big deal.

    We have rain today. I need to plant my tulip bulbs, I dug them up this summer because the skunks were eating them. Now I see where the skunks are back and spreading mulch around, so I don't know what to do. Allie plants her bulbs in a cage-like thing so the moles won't get them but these skunks are digging them up.

    b4, thanks for the link you posted on 9/11. I had to take baby steps on that day, just a little at a time, if you know what I mean.

    MD! The people who put our new heat pumps in brought us a bunch of cukes. I had that onion & cuke salad at a local restaurant and tried to make it with a recipe from the net. Yuk. If you or B4 have a recipe, please share.

    If any of you watched America's Got Talent, the winner was a local guy from WV. Of course, when you are as rural as we are, "local" is not the same as it is in big cities. If anyone is interested, I will post a link to his audition. He amazed everyone from his first 3 notes.

    Max, your family will be so excited to visit you for Christmas! Are you all better now? I sure hope so.

    Cedar, my brother-in-law owns a small business in our town and he has asked me if I wanted to work every now and then. I started working when I was 6 (no kidding, my aunt was a nurse and I cleaned her house, running the vacuum cleaner and everything). I have no desire to 'work' any more, selling on ebay is as much work as I want to do.

    daiting/waiting. Aren't typos funny!?

  • Jan? "She always has quality and she is honest. "

    "She should be on the ebay staff!"

    Doesn't that disqualify me? LOL

    Hope everyone is OK. I guess I better go watch the news, I don't know what happened to Chrysler. Yes, mim, all the businesses are making sure they get paid!

  • Goog heavens, D2oris, they would have been scraping me off the floor with those Beatles sales. LOL Your DH is going to be so happy he finally had that done. What a great birthday present. Will keep you both in my prayers.

  • Oh, Cedar! I meant to tell you, make sure your jpg and your title of your picture are all in small case letters.

  • Hi Friends! Nice to meet you, Clementine! And nice to see everyone!

    I guess I'll be rambling for a while here. Just want to warn y'all who don't know me well. LOL Jsan is right, I used to post on a Steelers board that was on USAToday. I was the only girl on there, all the guys were so good. There were only a few Steelers fans, most of the posters liked other teams but we were a fun group so we all gathered there. Some nights I was up half the night, just ROFLing. They were like us, they didn't talk about football that much. We even exchanged a lot of recipes. Without warning, they closed those boards. That was probably 8 years ago and I still miss those guys and think of them often.

    OK, to the subject of selling on ebay and collecting! I collect nothing! LOL That's the truth, I have only a few things I own that I wouldn't part with. Heidi, my shih tzu, and a few things that belonged to my grandparents (worthless except to me). I always liked antiques, even when I was a kid. When I was in my early teens, I bought a small table for $3 and carried it all the way home. Refinished it, and I still have it to this day. Back in those days, my mom wasn't into antiques, she liked modern things. Later, my mom started showing interest in antiques and she bought, and bought, and bought. She did some shows and had a room at a flea market but mostly she kept that stuff. Now, let me say this. She wouldn't be on "Hoarders" but there is a fine line between her and them. LOL Which is why, I can part with almost anything. KISA (my DH, who is my Knight In Shining Armor) sometimes wants to keep things I find so I have a few things that he has claimed. Overall, I deal in porcelain, the only thing my mom did NOT deal in because she always broke it. I worked a very full time job but I helped her set up for shows. I wasn't into buying and selling then, my job kept me busy and too tired to be involved in antiques. When we got married, I resigned from my busy job and became a full time Mom (KISA was a widower with 3 boys.) I had always had "my own money" (I started working when I was 6) so I started selling on ebay. My best ebay sale was a Nippon tankard, March 29, 2004. I bought it for $48 and sold it for $3450.00. It was so funny, I had a reserve of $1,000 on it, and it met it's reserve. It was time for it to end, so I went to the computer and hit refresh - KISA was coming down the stairs - and when I saw the final bid I screamed for him to hurry. At the time, we had to get a repair done on our septic tank and glory alleluia that paid for the repair, with some left over! 🙂 Jan and Ruthie probably remember that. But the most fun thing I sold was a Greyhound bus. Oh my, the gang on our chat board that it was so funny that I listed a bus and never mentioned it. It was for a nearby school, a favor for my B-I-L, they used it as their team bus, and they decided to get a new one. After the old one sold, they ended up only paying $300.00 more for their "new" bus! (None of us knew that the bus was very collectible, there were 2 bus museums that were interested in it.)

    If you fell asleep, you will be sorry. There will be a pop quiz. 😉

    Raining all day...maybe all week. Y'all stay safe and dry!


  • Thank you, Cedar. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around a new name for you. I don't like that having to think stuff.

  • Ugh, choke, gag. This Yankee lived in Alabama for 5 years, all of it was wonderful but the okra. Gave me a headache every time I ate it!

  • Ginny, it's so difficult, there's so many from which to choose....

  • Ginny, she is wearing her lace-up work boots. Are you having an identity crisis? Sometimes I see you as an antique and sometimes just vintage. LOL
    Bama, JB is afraid of all the "normal" people. 😉

  • I just love that pic of Jan and her DH.

  • Hurray! Jsan appears! 🙂 Hi Ginnyrose! Max, have you given up on coming North this season? Bet your grandkids are missing you something awful. Who is going to spoil them? 😉

  • Max! So glad to see you! Are you still in FL? Have been wondering how you are coming along with your booboo.

  • Hi Bama! Isn't it great that Curt has been so gracious to donate his time and knowledge! I just think these new boards are the best. BTW, to those who are having problems with loading an avatar, I found that PNG is the best way to go. (It took a long time for that to dawn on me.)