• Hello Everyone..
    IRENE Do you remember how much you got for your Silver Bracelet? I have a Necklace My husband watched them making it, sterling silver, and know he paid over 60.00 for it, and Wish they had gone an extra 2" on it, I could wear it. Being so short, I cannot wear it outside on a blouse or sweater, so hardly any use to me..Not sure what it weighs, not value.. For sentimental reasons I would like to keep it, but getting to that age when Sentimentality is waning.. Glad you got a nap, I did too, after out YS this morning. and a nice lunch at Steak & Shake..

    HI CATHY, glad you are home and settled in, is it cold at home? It sure has been here..
    Heres the Etsy site, do not remember Irenes user ID but she might have it posted here on her Profile page, You click on her picture it will bring up a couple of tabs under Profile you will find her links if she has them there..
    Your GGk will come eventually, give them time, to enjoy their lives first.. LOL I know we cannot wait for GS to graduate and start college, I hope he does not get too tightly wound up in his girlfriend and forget his goals..
    I watched Food Paradise last night, they were in multiple cities including one in Wisconsin, showing people the different ways they make Mac & Cheese, some looked really good, then when they started putting seafood in it, turned me right off. Have you heard anything of Nolan being in his yet or when it will air?

    RHONDA, Ah 7 months are the darling age.. They are so cute, to watch, and are still limited in how much they can do.. At least he cannot climb up on the counters and into the cupboards yet.. Give him time huh? Thanks for asking of DH he is doing pretty good with the Antibiotics and Steroids and the Patch the Doc gave him for quitting smoking.. He says he doesn't have too much of a problem, all he has to do is remember how hard it was for him to breathe when I took him into the hospital.. and he knows why he has to quit.. Now next week when Steroids are gone, he might be of a different mind set. I hope not tho.. He use to smell so bad from Cigarette smoke..

    I think it was IRENE who mentioned getting the smoke smell out of the house, Not a problem there, about 2 yrs ago he decided for me he would not smoke in the house anymore so he either smoked outside in good weather or froze and smoked in garage in the winter time.. Worked for me.. I know when he and my Dad too smoked in the house, I would wash the windows and drapes and you can imagine every thing else too, reeked of smoke.. Windows & Drapes only thing I could wash..

    MAX, Hows things going today? Is Bob doing better? I just looked up the Havanese, never heard of that breed before, They call a mixed breed Hybrids, didn't know that but it appears the Havanese have the stronger genes and most of them keep the same appearance like when mixed with Lapsa Apsa.. Forgive spelling. https://www.google.com/#q=havanese+mix+dog They are so cute. Hope you hear something on him.. It did say in one article that they are slow to train.. Maybe Stubborn and you have to teach them to tone down the barking.. Hopefully he will already be trained.
    Nice purse you sold.. Haven't had much selling, but thankful for every sale..
    I went shopping today and found another nice looking John Deere Tractor.. and a Snoopy Stuffed toy that throws kisses, and makes the sound.. Cute.. A Nice pair of ankle boots, like new to sell.. Bought a pair of sport shoes Nikes for Football or Soccer want to get up tonight or tomorrow. Woman said she paid 100.00 for them and he wore them twice, said he needed a size larger, his feet had grown.. The story for all parents when buying school stuff, they grow so fast.

    I am planning on going to a 1 Day estate sale on Sunday, and want this picture behind my sofa.. The blue in the birds will go with it pretty close match..

    Well guess I will get busy on pictures.. Hope all is well with everyone, and those, feeling down can get back up real soon.

  • OH My what a sad way to end this board last year, Almost close to One Year, since anyone has posted.

    I did not know Cedar at least by that name, but so sorry to see all of her friends have lost her, from reading back it looks like she had a long tiring battle, but she hung in as long as she could.. I hope/know she is resting in peace, and her family still treasures her memories..

    Maybe one day this site will get a shot in the arm and people will be coming back..

    I know MAX gets a lot of restaurant ware, with older Co. or Restaurants names on them, and Who ya going to call? When no ones home here.
    You all take care.. Shelly

  • Hello ALL, First time here, and not sure how I even found this page, but it is fine with me, as I am often looking to find advertisements.. I see a lot of familiar faces/names here, and hope you don't mind my jumping right in..