• Hi All! Been hanging on to every word about the storm. I have lots of friends and a Grandson over there. The GS is in Charlotsville, Va. Worry about them today. There is no school and he posts on FB to let us know what is going on. He and the 2 boys are making cookies. GS is permanently disabled with a bad back so he is a House dad.

  • Max, the friends over on our Book Board were just talking about Dick Francis this morning. I guess his latest is called Bloodline. They are always talking about what they have read lately and I have enjoyed that part so very much.

  • Always good to see you too Max. It was Riley Days in Greenfield this weekend. The town turns the weekend into a festival for most of the week honoring it's hometown hero, the poet, James Whitcomb Riley. We did not go as I am not able to do any walking and it is done like a county fair with a big 3 day flea market and antique show, market. I remember years past when I have gone and had a booth at the fairgrounds to sell my books and trinkets. It was usually a fun and so exhausting time. I miss all the fruits and vegetables for sale and the baked goods by the Amish. Yummy huge Amish donuts. Hot if you were there at the right time. Corn on the cob yum! Sausage on a big bun with onions and greenpeppers pilled high. Yum and more yummm. Oh and watermelon too, the best ever. We always took a lot of stuff home and ate well for a week.

  • Hi all. A Colt's family here. I didn't watch all of the game on TV. My son and grandson were there and they have missed few games over the years. I did hear DH talking loudly to the TV near the end so I went to see what all the excitement was. It was a grand and unusual ending with us barely winning but, we did so that is all that matters. The game was dedicated to the Colt's new Coach who has just learned that he has cancer and was getting treatment so was not at the game. The team sent him the winning football and of course there were some happy tears then.

  • Evening everyone. Just checking all the boards to make sure I haven't missed something important. We have had some wonderful weather. The rain is so welcome, it brings smiles to our face. Don't mind a few drops on the way to the car.

    Max, the brick streets were so popular years ago because of all the clay in Indiana to make the bricks with. There even is a small town in Indiana called Clay City, which is know for it's manufacture of clay bricks for use in buildings and flower pot and things like that. That is what is meant by brick red. Course, some of it is a yellow or a bit orange and even shades of brown and gray, just because that is the color of the clay used.

  • dr-t, I sure do understand your book dilemma for I have the same problem big time. I had to close my small book shop because of my dis-integrating health. I put a lot of them in a storage unit and many of them are still there. Of course, I have so many at home that I am about like the "Old woman in a shoe" for I have so many that I don't know what to do.. with them. I have listed them every time eBay has offered a free listing and my sales record shows that there is simply no market for them. I have listed well over 300 books and have sold only 6 books. As I look back, the records show that not many people looked at them, hence, no sales. I will have to just try to sell my non book items.

    Woe is me. Haven't found a way to create an interest.

  • Haha Max. Yes, I remember the Omar man. There were a lot of jokes about him and the milkman.They both had excellent products. Ours came in the early morning which was great for me. We lived out in the country and it sure was great that he came to us, about 14 homes just off a main road. I think that we all were their customers. Now a days, that community has been surrounded by the small town called Zionsville .

  • The subject over on the Book Chat was quite interesting yesterday. You might take a look and enjoy. It somehow got started about pjs or nightgowns. Anyway, worth look over there.

    I need to have DH take some more pictures before I can list anything other than books which I can scan. It was a waste of time to try to sell books during this free listing time. For the last 3 months of the so many that I listed, I only sold 6. I guess I will have to give them to the SA & GW. Hate to though for I have hundreds.

  • Hi Judy, Imax, Cedar, drs-t. The weather here seems like Fall now. See a few kids walking to school. Think it has just been too hot and parents drive them instead of letting them walk.
    DH is doing just great and, of course, is doing too much. He takes long naps and I go around then in a very quiet way so that he will rest. The Cat and kitten crawl up there with him and all three sleep the sleep of the innocent. I have been known to find my book, etc. to read and fall asleep myself.
    The weather has been nice and the welcome rain too. We still have to water some of the potted plants though. Er, DH waters and I watch. Kitties sit in the windows and watch. When we come in, they welcome us as though we have been gone hours instead of minutes...Silly kitties. They are such fun and are great buddies now.
    We still do not spend much time on the porch though. Have gotten out of the habit. When someone comes to visit, they are happy to bask in the air conditioning and drink iced tea.
    It is so good the see you all posting and I stop every day to see is anyone has been here. Part of it is that not much is happening. But just turn on the News and you can see that lots of bad things are.

  • Hi Max. It may be the right thing for you to stay down there for a while for Indiana and most of the surrounding states has had so many weeks or months of this dryness. The trees are still green but even they have some wilted areas. One house on 10th St. has a big clump of petunias around their mailbox and I can just see that old man who lives there trot out there with a gallon milk jug of water for the petunias every day.

  • Good Morning everyone. It is still dark but without the clock should I wake up, I would know that it is about 5:00 am because I can hear the slow moving train that comes along out there. It whistles a lot for once it is this far into the city it crosses many streets and so makes everyone within hearing distance know that it is there. To me, it is a nice sound, but to some it is a sad lonesome sound. To others it might be a wake-up call that their day has begun so, get up and get moving. It is pulling a long line of cars and will pull into the State street yards before very long. Whether it stops there or continues on to the Morefield yards to switch cars or get some supplies for its self, I don't know any more for in my family, many worked for the railroads, and we all knew a lot more about the going ons of the railroad. The only ones I remember talk about were the B & O, the Baltimore and Ohio and the Pennsylvania. My dad and his brother worked for the B&O and also my DH before we were married, for a short while.

    No one is awake here by me and I am usually awake at this time of the day and even the cats feel it is time to sleep. The kitten has grown into a cat by now and I hated to see that sweet have age so fast. The older cat would rather you not bother him. He is asleep on top of my scanner/printer and did awaken long enough to give me a big yawn and a glare and wiggle back down into a big blob of furry lump.

  • A big fat hello this evening from my cool air-conditioned house. I have prayers for all of the people who are miserable in the heat all over the east. I have a grandson who lives in Charlotsville, Va. He says they are alright and sent the boys to his inlaws in California. He says that there are long truck caravans of water and ice out on the big roads. The army and other military vehicles. He and his wife and their 2 dogs are staying in the basement as much as possible as it is much cooler down there. I will get tales of this at Thanksgiving.

  • A big fat Sunday morning hello. Not much rain here and several times unusually hard winds. The hanging plants are having a hard time of it. Some of them are literally cooking even though DH is watering them twice a day. The lawn looks like a newly mowed wheat field.The wonderful plants in our neighborhood are suffering too. I really am praying for rain for we do need it badly.

  • Yes, I know that it is in the middle of the night but I have to post when I am awake and have the time. My change of meds have caused me to sleep more which means that I have to take a lot of short naps instead of bed times.

    We are in great need of rain and so I fill empty milk gallon jugs at the sink while I am in the kitchen doing other things and DH waters all the potted plants on the porches. Dh found a plant sale so we have 7 containers here and there, all outdoors, of course. The porch furniture all needs a good scrubbing but we haven't sat out there as much as we used to. Our company doesn't stay as long as they used to either. I think that we are not as good company as we used to be but they come around to see how we are doing. Since we are mostly in the house and have good air conditioning we drink and serve more coffee.

  • Thanks for the info Judy.
    Gorgeous day here too but we are badly in need of rain.
    I keep 6/8 gallons of water near the side door so that GH can water the porch flowers every time he goes out. They are so beautiful now.
    You rumble all you want Judy, I enjoy every word.

  • Doreen, I think the "no dealers" mention is pretty funny for those folk are dealers too.

    MaX! where to heck are you? What's new? Do you ever come back through Indiana? Where is your real home?

  • DH has found a plant sale and we new have lotsa hanging plants on the porch. I love the flowers but this is the first year we have ever tried the up-side-down tomatoes and cucumbers. Now to keep the squirrels away from them all.

  • We need rain and are making lots of trips to the new plants to make sure that they are wet enough.
    The volunteer plants are a pleasant surprise. The Snapdragons are such bright colors so I think we finally got the fertilizer right.
    What have you all been doing? Does anyone like the new listing method? I get so tired of all this change.

  • Ugh, make that Mormon instead of Amish.

  • The book that I have my nose into right now and am enjoying is...Folks of the Fringe by Orson Scott Card. It is about a group of Amish people trying to survive life after a Nuclear Holocost. The lives they are trying to lead, etc. Good Read.

  • Morning Max and Doris, Yes and I don't know what you all would like to hear.

    The books that I have been into lately. Moo by Jane Smiley. Think Husband liked it better than I. Tis about life in a midwest College, perhaps like Purdue. I just couldn't stay interested. Farming is no longer my cup of tea, Although I love the Foxfire books and Mother Earth magazines.

  • AD Co's ! Peoples, we must not let this site die. In order to keep that from happening, some of you must post. If all you do is say something. Even just "hello" or anything at all. Please just try. Meanwhile, I will try to locate my "thinking cap" to find some questions for you to answer and If you are of like mind, you could too.

  • Good Morning everyone. Where is everyone? Is Advertising Collectibles not selling much or not at all? I have several and have to wait until tomorrow to see if the free listing is going to continue. Hope so for that is the only way I will make even a penny during the slow times...now?
    It's very wet and a heavy cloud cover. The weeds are in great shape with tall plants that are easy to pull if someone can find the time or the inclination.
    The Honeysuckle bush in the front corner is at least 30 feet tall and is growing up into the trees. Everything else is just busting to grow and bloom. The black raspberry canes are lush and full of blooms with some tiny berries already formed. They are going to be about 3 weeks early.

  • Thanks for asking drst. Here is a copy of my reply to another board. Not sure that I could get that all together again.
    Back Home after a week in the hospital. What we thought was a broken bone in my foot turned out to be Gout. It was so painful that the firemen had to come get me because I couldn’t stand to put any weight on that foot. After xrays, etc they discovered that my blood was too thin and the testing showed that another old ailment showed up and I have to go back for surgery nest

    Back home after a week in the hospital. What we thought was a broken bone in my foot turned out to be Gout. It was so painful that when I woke up, I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t stand to put any weight on my foot. The fireman had to come with special equipment to get me out of the house.

    Then, after lots of testing my blood was too thin for some minor surgery they found I needed. Coumadin level was way too high. That was a wow as I just had it checked a week ago. So now I go back to the hospital next Thursday for the surgery. Anyway, I sold 2 books so life was not a complete loss.

  • I have done something to my right foot. I woke up from a nap this afternoon and found it painful to walk. I have broken a bone in that foot before as I fell over one of those lane dividers in a parking lot. All I did then was wear a special shoe and kept off of it as much as possible.
    What I will do tomorrow is if it has not improved, I will give Dr a call. Shoot, I don't have time for this.
    I hope you are all feeling well and full of it.

  • Peace be with you all today.

  • May today be the answer to all of your prayers.

  • DRS Yes, I do love it. Everything out there is such a wonderful shade of clean green. Driving through the neighborhood is fun too. The tulips are now in bloom and so the reds sure catch your eye.
    My cats are arguing about who gets the prime seat in front of the window. The new feeder is attracting their attention. Jasper is even calling in a very quiet voice and when it is his turn, Jimmy does his own wiggly dance so wanting to go out there. The birds, squirrel and one chipmonk seem to know they are safe.

  • Wow! who turned down the heat? What a difference. Hope the frost doesn't hurt any of the growing things. Saw the Antique Roadshow last night. I sometimes can't believe some of the ugly things that are considered valuable. Then the things that I think are worth a lot.. hehe aren't. I guess that is what makes it all so much fun.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday and take time to pick some violets. Oh, the dandylions are so beautiful too against that fresh new green grass. The lilacs are going to be in full bloom in a few days. I could just lay down and roll over and over in the lilacs, just like my cat does with catnip.

  • Good Sunday morning Carol, Doreen and Drs-t. It looks cloudy out there and not the tiniest breeze. All of our many daffodils are in bloom and lots of snow drops or snow on the mountain. Also DH brought me one tiny violet. I don't remember blooms this early, ever. I am enjoying is all though. The Magnolias are all splendid and the black raspberry canes have tiny green leaves. I will be watching those closely for they are right outside my window.

  • drs-t, Another thing you can do with that cookie is...as soon as you take them out of the oven you can put M&Ms, kisses, raisins etc in the dent. Also, it works with plain cookie dough, like sugar cookies, oatmeal etc.
    When you get them done would you send me one each? mmmmm

  • Morning Doreen, Today's cookies are peanut butter and jelly cookies.
    You make the pnb cookies in the usual way but just before putting in the oven, you press a dent in the middle and in that dent, you drop in the jelly via teaspoon, then continue as the recipe requires. They are extra good while they are still warm.

    Add a big glass of icy cold milk and watch them disappear.
    I use strawberry or black raspberry preserves or grape jelly.
    I watch them a little closer towards the end to see how long it takes them to brown properly.

  • Hi Doreen, how are you this fine day? It is warm enough and so pretty out doors that we could sit out there on my side porch and have coffee, tea, or what ever you would like to drink.
    As I look around I can see tons of things that I need to do and I am not goona do. Would you like cookies or fruit? Got lots a both. Are you tired of the election stuff like me?

  • There is something especially beautiful this morning. I will try to describe it for you. If you could just climb in there between my ears to see some of the wonderous things I see from my computer room window. More about that later.
    The sap is up in our little sugar maple and the squirrels are busy nibbling along the limbs to get a taste of that sweetness. Hanging on one of the small branches is a big blob or drip of that sap. The sun light is caught in that bubble and it is a beautiful crystal, changing to an array of rainbow colors as the light wind moves it about. It is gone now but lasted long enough for me to realize what it was and to enjoy it. Prettier than any piece of glass and sure doesn’t last as long.
    Anyway, you can tell that I am awed?

  • Hi Max, good to see you. I had a great long post yesterday and find that it doesn't show today. Sigh, just another Mim bumble. Yes. I have been to the TeePee many times. The fad then was to order french fries and tarter sauce instead of catsup. My best friend worked there and she worked so hard that she made herself sick and had to quit.
    Later, I worked at "The Pole" which was on 16th St. just west of the White River bridge. Because of the heavy traffic, the only paper allowed on the window trays was napkins. Everything was served in glass. The reason, well, the paper things blew off of the trays and became a hazzard. I too found the work too hard and had to quit.
    Indiana is slowly starting to leaf and bloom. I can't forget the heavy snow storms we had in March.

  • I tell you you drs-t, those dust bunnies have nine lives. Every time I think I have gotten them all, I find another one. There used to be a fun quiz about other things you could use them for. Can't think of any right now but our new kitten thinks they are just grand toys. He turns up with part of one on his whiskers every whip-stitch.

  • Good Tuesday Morning! Things are starting to bloom here. Crocus and those little snow drops, or snow on the mountain and the daffodills are way up and very thick. Unless one of those March snowstorms comes and ruins things, I would say, it is spring.

  • jsan, I live right in the middle of Indiana, in Indianapolis, right off of the old national road 40. The flowers that are doing their best to bloom are way more earlier than usual. We have an L shaped house and a lot of trees that seem to hold the heat and my husband leaves a lot of leaves around until late spring.
    It has been a very warm winter and in some places, the ground has never frozen. Not far north of here they have had 8 and 10 inches of snow and some pretty miserable weather. We just have been lucky and of course it was very good for the Super Bowl.
    March is known for lots of snow in this area. It usually happens during the state Highschool Basketball tournament.
    My friend Helen lives several miles north of us and Casinokat lives just about the same distance on North. We all love our trees and flowers.

  • Doreen, thanks for the info on the Scammer. Some people without jobs are sometimes into anything illegal and seem to multiply when times are hard.

  • Judy, I have spent a lot of time planting tulips but no matter where I live, something always eats them. Now, I mostly have dafodillys and crocus. I guess they don't taste so good. My song birds are gone since the hawks have taken over. I am going to get some new feeders so maybe that will help some. Dh says that since we have so many trees and bushes that maybe that will help the little ones. He says that the hawks need sky room to get the song birds. Sigh, will try it all. We even went to the park and got a discarded Christmas tree and have it tied to a shepherd's hook near the birdbath. Hope, hope, hope.

  • drs-t, I am good, thank you, and your are too, I hope.
    The weather here has been unbelievable, which was a Godsend for the Super Bowl. The city needed the income so the dollars made sure have a place to go. It was a special event for all of us and even we who couldn't attend enjoyed the accounts on tv, and there was constant coverage. It looked like a lot of fun for all ages.
    It is trying to be spring here and the tips of crocus and daffofillies look like patches of onions. I sure hope that a spell of icy weather doesn't ruin them.

  • drs-t, I had been doing that a lot. When I paid attention to what I was doing, I realized that before I posted the message, I would always go back and proof read it, to make sure it made sense. Then I somehow went on to something else and of course, that would cancel the whole thing. Anyway, I just had to make myself pay more attention.

  • Judy and Hi Gail. Neat little mug there. I visit all those other boards here in this great community, except the garden one and I hope to take care of that soon. Sometime I can't think of much to say so I copy and paste what I have said on the book board, which is where I start each day. I don't like to do that because I know that some of you might get tired of what I have to say. I will therefor try to say something different on each board.

    Did you bring the coffee with you Gail? If so, I have my mug. No cookies though, just animal crackers.

  • Yep, friends, I am addicted to the grandchildren phase, as is Helen and I, it is more the great grandchildren. The oldest one is 13 now and has quickly changed in looks from a little girl to a teenager, sigh and also very quiet. She loves our gift of the cheapest Kindle. I just hope she doesn't loose it. Think I heard someone say that she had to keep it in her bedroom. Her dad was so impressed with it that he went out and bought my DGD and his mother a Kindle for Christmas.

  • Good morning all. Got warm clothes? You will need them today, especially if you need to be outdoors. We plan to stay inside. Chili is on the menu with large regard to the salt content. Hot both ways with spices and stove. yummm. we have even found salt free crackers and pretzels.

    Well, it looks cold out there in the yard. Light fluffy, puffy clumps of snow in the stubble of what ever is left of the lawn grass. It feels cold. It's cold. The bird bath is frozen, the feeder is bare. We are going to have to get busy with those things. We have the seeds, just haven't gotten around to it. They are not going without anyway. The birds and squirrels are enjoying every shred of food that we don't eat like bread heels, old cereal, almost raisins grapes, 2 dried up apples that were hiding in the back of the frig. DH adds acorns that he gathered this summer. He puts those things out there in dribs and drabs so there will always be something.

    We are keeping busy trying to sort the things we can't live without. Have to get rid of this OLD stuff. SA and GW here we come.

  • Hi INMAX, and for sure, everyone else. It is so very nice to be reading along and finding one's name and knowing that someone cares if you are alive or not.

    I have had a super nice Christmas. Some family made the trip back here again that were here for Thanksgiving. We had all kinds of food again with so many bringing their share. The kitchen counters were always full. Everyone pitched in to do something. My youngest daughter just took charge and made sure that things were put away or in the frig. She even ran the sweeper several times as Christmas was about a week long this year.

    The young kids got plenty of attention and the one non walking baby just went from arms to arms. She never cried that I heard and thought we all were pretty funny and had lots of sweet smiles for us all. She is 7 months and is small for our family and will always be tiny for us. Her name is Caroline and we all say it in a soft southern like attitude. You kind of get the feeling that we love her a lot? Well, we do, lots and lots.

  • As I look out my window, it looks cold. There are a few of those lazy not moving very fast snowflakes, like they have been trailing along and perhaps got lost along the way from those "I am going some where with a purpose clouds of flakes."

    There are no squirrels scampering around keeping track on their lawn of acorns, nuts and whatever we put out.
    The raccoons have made a mess of two of our feeders and so they will have to have extensive repair. Meanwhile, the smaller critters y are making do with a mega size flower pot and a big old stump which seem to suffice, except I can't see them from my window.

  • Right now, I don't have the energy to do anything special in the kitchen. Just have to eat what is right at hand and be careful about the amounts.

  • Judy, I love the Budwizers Horses one. I want so to be able to see one of those horses up close one day. I know that horses don't particularly want people to hug them, but I sure would love to do that. Course I feel that about elephants and all of the big cats, especially Bengal Tigers. Hummm, I guess there are some things one just can't do.

  • Does anyone else watch the TV Commercials anymore? My DH rips right by them. Every once in a while the ad is for something I am interested in. I admit that some are just "God Awful" and the music is not pleasant at all, just loud and horrible noise. However there are also some nice children and animals and some very funny. My DH owns the controller here. Anyway, my biggest complaint is they are so loud, much louder than the regular programing.

    Of course, like many people, in order to miss them, most of our programs are recorded and we watch them later and miss the commercials. Even the news station programing leave much to be desired.

  • LOUMERCER yes that means all the liquid in my diet. I even pour out the amount of milk in a bowl and then measure the cereal to add. I have to keep a log for a while. Fortunately, I like the food that I do get to eat. Things I will miss are the trimmings, like mayo and salad dressings, pickles and Hamburger.

  • We went on Thursday to a Cardio, Pulminary specialist with a bunch of letters after his name. So, I am sitting here wondering what I am going to be able to eat today. He has restricted my diet to 2000mgs of salt a day and 2 liters of liquid per day. There are so many things I can't eat that it looks like my diet will be mostly oatmeal and raw vegetables. If I just had some menus.

  • I am doing so much better, though still awfully weak. Feel better propped up. Spending a lot of time in my Lazy Girl, with a cover and a cat on my lap. Love that cat.

  • I have gotten in the habit of checking my message, to see if it makes sense and then forget to click on "Post Message" I had to have done that here. I was trying to make each message sound a little different instead of just copying and pasting. Anyway, here is what I wrote:

    This post is a copy that I am using on the other boards to explain that after making request for others to post, I may not be able to as much as I wanted. so here it is.

    It is Good Evening Cause about 2:00 a.m. I had an Asthma attack and had to go to the emergncy room. Came home again this morning about 10.00 am. Had a breathing treatment, exrays and left a pint of blood and lots of oxygen. Have an appointment with Drs on Nov.25 at ll:oo a.m. I tried to get out of that one but was told, no way. I sure am glad that I am not cooking. All I have to do this year is be here. The kids are all taking care of things. Not exactly what I had in mind today but well, no one put me in charge of me either.

    I am really in no pain, just the problem breathing and coughing. Awfullly sleepy and getting a lot of it too.
    Am taking Prednozone…excuse the spelling as I would have to get up to find out how to spell it.

    Fortunately, about the only thing I can do other than read and watch TV is use my computer so, here I am.
    No sweeping, making beds and little cooking, then using the microwave. I do sit and cut up veggies for my salads.

    So glad to see your posts, thanks so much for writing.

  • Hi Everyone. I have wondered where and how you all are? We must not let this board die. I have come here every day hoping to find some talking and no one. Oh yes, I know that we are all busy getting ready for the holidays but.....let us not forget each other.

    I think part of our problem is that we think that we should only talk about advertising stuff. Well, at least that would be a start. Just think about it this way. We might be a bunch of people that like Advertising Stuff that also like other stuff. We have other things in our lives and so why not share that.

    There was such a nice lady on the old board that spoke about things that made her happy. Like to see her grandchildren playing and her husband patting his friend our old dog. Do you know anything like that?

  • The side fence is all aglow with some volunteer cranberry bushes. They have grown up into the trees . They are lacier than the fire bushes and a shade pinker but sure are beautiful. We didn't plant them so they are a gift of the birds.

  • I gave my Christmas Cacti to my oldest DD. It was potted from a slip given to me from a friend's in 1978 and from 3 tiny limbs it is now as large as an umbrella. I will get over there soon and get a picture of it.

  • Jasper is my avatar on the Glass Chatroom Board and MeMe who has crossed the rainbow bridge in 1986 is the seal point Siamese, is the avatar on the Pottery Chat. At that time, she and her sister, SoSo were two very spoiled Kitties that we all adored. They had the most beautiful blue eyes you ever saw. They were very verbal too and would come and tell me about everything that went on just like two old ladies.

  • drs-t, I don't know if it is potbound or not. DH takes care of those things and I have not paid attention to it. I Know that he used to spray it with the hose and let it dry naturally before bringing it in for the winter but this year I haven't paid any attention. I will ask him though. He is still asleep so....later.

    No, that isn't my kitty. It is one that someone else owned and I thought he was beautiful so I kept his picture.
    We did own 2 bright orange marmalade Cats while living at the farm. They were gorgeous and their fur was soft and thick. We had quite a variety of cats but few kittens that were born there for we had them "fixed" at the vets as soon as we knew that we were going to keep them.

  • drs-t, I forgot my Geranium and it did freeze. We did get our big fern in though only because it has it's own stand and place in the dining room. We have let so many things go because we just can't take care of them any more and the kids don't want to fool with extra things if it has to be cared for. They all work except one and she is busy with all the Brownie and Cub Scout things.
    The side porch off of the kitchen looks so lonely with nothing going on out there. There are animal dishes for the cats that roam around and need food. Not even many of them any more. They even come to the door to have a look in and aggravate Jasper.

  • Where is everyone? The coffee is all ready. Toasted raisin bread is the treat for today, with unsalted butter, ugh too for me. You can have the good stuff.

    I wonder if you would all tell me what you personally collect that is advertising. I do have some stuff from our parents house and I am trying so hard to get rid of it other than tossing it.

  • Good Morning! We went mid-morning to the Fire station to Vote and found no voters there, just the workers. That sure was a funny feeling. Our Mayor in Indianapolis won that election and was re elected.

    Naturally, I noticed the beautiful leaves falling. The Pear, Gum and fire bushes are spectacular. We can’t keep a large pile of raked leaves unprotected near the street. It just calls to the school kids and of course the thing they HAVE to do is jump around in them.

  • I wish I could come visit you Wellie. Would love to see your horses and pet that sweet pup. Keep posting for I enjoy your comments a bunch. Hope you are feeling better?

  • Max, the salt thing is still prominent in my mind and I am sure will become minor soon. It could be something worse like radiation treatments. My life is so good that salt is a small thing.
    I wish you were still traveling back and forth from Florida. I would have you stop in for we are very close to the main drag around here. Coffee, tea and us.

  • Thanks Judy, will give it a look. I don't mind the diets, it is just the doing without salt. I do use Mrs. Dash and do like it but, sometimes and somethings just don't take a Mrs. Dash well.

    When I had these last heart caths, and my Dr. said NO Salt, I thought to myself, no way am I going to be able to do this, but I am. Not happy about it, but I am. My family is so serious about it too so that makes me try extra hard. I don't find a bit of improvement in my health yet but I also am not in the hospital or gotten worse

  • No Salt, every, forever..amen! At least that is what my Dr. said yesterday. I am so tired of dieting and the weight is coming down so very slowly and, this only makes things harder or better somehow.


    Lots of hard work and I am so proud of her.

    Yet, taking time to help and educate us. Big hugs too.

  • Morning Lady, good to see you. I have a large vase of Peacock feathers that a friend gave me when we visited. Lovely things too. I also have a small vase that I keep in the curio cabinet of small bird feathers, mostly Blue Jay, Robin and Cardinals. I have to put them behind glass for my kitty thinks they would be such fun to play with. He loves bird things and thinks chicken is manna from heaven.

    I used to visit the Q and A occasionally because my daughter, Aunt Patti went there a lot so I got to read her answers to questions.

  • Good Morning, welcome. Where are you from? Now, I don't mean like Chicago, Boston or Timbucktoo. I mean some place on the web? One of the dying boards or perhaps you found our site? It doesn't really matter, just wondering on my part.

    We also might like to know your interests, I know that I would. Lighters, lamps, scales? Nosey aren't I?

  • Hi Ma, good to see you too. There are so many nice people here. I hope that you will visit the other boards we have in this group too.

  • Yes, WEME, it is always something and right now it is the knowledge that one good soaking rain and the beautiful array of colors outside will be gone. It ranges from red, bright rust, yellow, to the prettiest green, which is on our sugar maple.

    The squirrels are having a gala time digging and burring acorns and nuts all over the yard. Ever once in a while they decide to have some fun and actually rip around through the leaves giving what looks like a "high 5" when they meet head on. That is the same play that my grandsons make when they get out there in the leaves.
    Thanksgiving is not far off and I have heard from all of the participants. They have made their traveling arrangements and haha via facebook have decided where they are going to sleep. I hesitate to ask with whom for that is an area I refuse to consider at my older age.
    It looks like there will be around 30 coming and going during that week with everyone centering at my oldest DD's where the great feast will be. Then, of course there is always a guest or two that someone brings along.

    DH is taking advantage of all the soft drink sales and when the "kids" all get here, they will find the back hall lined with cartons and bottles.

  • Hey Max, are you still down south or do you come up north any more? Indiana is so beautiful right now and the weather is perfect.

  • Morning all. Max, In answer to your How Many Points question, I have no idea for I never even gotten close. The rewards for trying however is lots of love and hugs and kisses and they keep coming back.

    They will all be here at Thanksgiving coming for California, Virginia, Michigan, Missouri, Kentucky and various Indiana towns. One of the lures is the new babies and of course all the kids. We have a special place for them to play and they seem to have a grand time and police themselves. We have 4 bedrooms, one of which we occupy, so they just sleep all over and at all the Indy homes. Rubyville has grown to 32 members +/- and I can no longer keep track of them all for the young unmarried ones keep changing their favorites often.

  • Good Morning! where is everyone? I hope that you are not doing your Fall house cleaning yet. I haven't finished my Spring Housecleaning...from 3 years ago. I have a lovely friend who announces that she has started hers. She is sooo nice except this annoying habit of hers of telling everyone what marvelous chore she has accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I would love a very clean house and might as well not ever expect to get done. There really isn't a DONE. It is a myth. I think. Maybe. Too many humans come and go through that front door of ours to ever be able say done. How about you???

  • Hey AMY, sorry for your loss. We have lost so many relatives and friends that it hurts to even look at the obs. Last month it was an old highschool beau of my oldest daughter. He hung around our house a lot since he went to school with my kids and he lived just down the street. Earlier this year DH and I met him and his father at the Anticoagulation Clinic. Well, it brought back all of the old memories. So, first, not long after that we read that the father had died then just a bit ago, read about Jim. We go past that memory garden every time we go the the Corral for dinner and I think of all the friends and relatives that are there...sad. sniff, sniff.

  • Afternoon, Well, it’s goodbye September and hello Autumn. The is still a lot of green out there and flowers blooming that will last until a heavy frost because they are so close to the house. The Cicadas have stopped chirring using their shell and wings with a cracking sound, somewhat like a cricket only much louder. We do have a cricket in the washroom who is still in love and hasn’t found his mate yet. It sure is agravating Jasper and he goes in that room and grumbles deep down in his throat, translated from cat to peeps is, ”Come out here you coward and I will give you what fore”.

  • If you watch closely, you can see all sorts of wonderous things outside of my computer room window. Today, a garden spider is repairing and respinning her web that was damaged by the rains this week. She is about as big as a nickle, not counting her long legs and is an array of colors throughout her body and all along her legs of dark brown and bright orange. Her web, when we first saw it was the wagon wheel type and she caught her meals mostly at night when the moths came to the window drawn to the light. During the daytimes, she had snacks of the hornets or wasps that buzzed around her web. There were two webs and the other spider is now gone, either to the weather or became this spider’s meal.

    I can watch and wonder at this industry and not have any creepy crawly feelings because he/she is on the other side of a tight window and a storm window. However, if I was outside it would be a whole different story.
    I think it is interesting yet, I know some don’t like to think of these critters, let alone watch them at work. So, if I have offended anyone, sorry.

  • The ordeal is over, except for the extra sleeping and drinking a lot of fluids. The proceedure, right and left heart catherization took twice as long as originally planned and left my DH in a worried ragged mess. When we got home, he went right to bed too.
    We see DR this afternoon and find out what we do with the results of the tests. Perhaps a quietier life and different meds.

    We received a note from the DOT that they are going to do massive resurfacing our street. So far they have spray painted locations to various pipes and sewers, etc to the delight of the kids walking home from school. This is good news for the bad weather we had last season has left some serious damage.
    The rain we have had lately, some of it heavy, was so welcome. It gave everything a bath, including the car and left a lovelier shade of green to a dying lawn. The fall colors are starting to show a little bit here and there and the squirrels have a heavier coat already and are super busy burying acorns all over the lawn.
    We are already receiving political calls and signs of the coming election here and there. I am tired and bored with it already.
    I got some of my old auctions relisted and wonder if it will be worth the effort to list any more books.
    Hope all has been ok with you all and still am not caught up with reading all of your posts.

  • Does anyone here watch ”The Biggest Loser”. There I am every Tuesday night at 8:pm sharing the agony of wanting to go get them a hamburger at Mickey D’s or a Blizard, heaven forbid. Then when I got my instructions in the mail for this proceedure that I am going to have this morning . Very plainly it says those joyful words ”nothing to eat or drink after midnight.

    It is now that time of day when I have my first coffee and no breakfast. Boohoo. Now, I know how they, the losers, must feel most of the time. Sigh, I think I’ll make it. sniff, maybe.

  • loumercer, what a sweet baby. She looks very happy too. We have a new GGD born May 1 and they are coming from Cal. for Thanksgiving. I can hardly wait to get my hands on her.

  • kay, gay, r,a, l,m,t,d. Yep I remember. It was a cold gray day when Len Allen....etc. After all the work I did to remember that stuff, I got married early so never used it. Ah well, the effort was worth it for at least I know what folks are talking about.

  • The counted cross stitch, I used to do a few. One I got half way through and got sick of looking at it and gave it needles thread and all to the SA. My eyes were bothering me so, well you know. As a kid, I mostly made dresser scarfs and pillowcases. As I grew older I made my own PJ's and dresses. As I had 3 little girls, now old ladies, I made their dresses. I made a lot of their clothing in those days. I knitted and crocheted mittens, scarfs and hats for them all, even my hubby. Did a bunch of baby things too and gave some as gifts. I just recently bought a new Singer sewing machine. I have hardly done more than get it out of the box and am itching to do more. I have been cutting squares for a quilt it seems like forever and so will be glad to get on with that too.

  • drs-t, I do sew and have all my life. I started with embroidery and hope that I have not "ended with" for a while yet.

  • Let me clarify that SA pays their workers too although they are member of the SA.

  • Hi Max! I hear the argument all of the time about which is best, SA or GW all the time. Which is stupid because they are so different . I frequent both of them. For one thing, GW is in the business, and it is a business, like KMart , to make money. They are alike in that they get their products mostly by donations.

    So, if GW does good will by selling things and making money, then Good. SA does the same thing but their goal is to first of all, to do good and if they can make money by selling things you don't want and give to them well that is great too for they have to have some way to finance their doing goodness.

    That is a bit complicated but most of the workers at SA are volunteers and are not necessarily skilled in their jobs.
    The GW hires people who are skilled in their work and is certainly run as a business too.
    Their is a difference and I have no quarrel with either one's methods. As I said, I support them both. I do donate money to the SA but do not do so to the GW.
    God Bless America.

  • Some of this news about the economy really worries me. The shock and reality of Chrysler Corp. was hard to bear. At present, we are making do on much much less income than we have had since early marriage. Sigh, oh well, one gets used to the situation after a while and we will be ok. I am sure.

    One strange thing happened yesterday. I had to have a cat-scan yesterday afternoon. When we checked in as usual, we were escorted to this tiny office to fill out some papers, also as usual. As the clerk handed me the ones to be signed and initialed, she says to my husband. How would you like to pay the co-pay amount? of $150? After digging around in his billfold and mine we came up with a little over $100. We just usually carry that much around with us. We ended up putting it on a Mastercard. I had forgotten to pick up my check book. It was obvious that the proceedings were not going to go on until the payment was clear. I later saw a notice on the wall stating that there was a financial assistant that would help us make arrangements, should we need it.

    I had experienced the co-payment questing at our family doctor recently but since DH takes care of these things it did not make an impression. Boy these medical people are going to make sure they have money or arrangements of such FIRST.

  • dr-t. Congrats on that Beatles sale. That would be fuel for me to sell more. Always glad to hear when someone makes a good sale.

  • Oh boy! Thanks everybody for writing. It is so WONDERFUL to hear your stories. There are so many of them out there. They really make my day as I do live at my computer during my awake time. We go to the nearby Corral about twice a week and of course those Dr's appointments etc. So a place like this is so nice to visit.

    jsan, we live in a nice suburban neighborhood and have an extra large yard with lots of big Oak, Beech and Ash trees. We did own a 100 acres +/- in Southern Indiana but had to move away in 1986. It really broke our hearts but we simple could not find good help and were already past our own prime. We do carry those wonderful memories with us though.

  • Thanks Max. It is great to see you here too. Come sit on the porch and have some coffee with me. Jasper would like to come too but, it is not safe for kitties out of doors here. The traffic is very heavy and we have a neighborhood raccoon family that would do him harm. When he does escape sometimes, he comes in just miserable with fleas. Sorry, Jasper, just go lie down somewhere. There are a few leaves falling from the cotton wood tree out front. It is the first to remind us that fall is on its
    way. It is in bad shape and every storms brings down more limbs, some quite large. It belongs to the city so we are powerless to deal with it.

  • I have several things that I have collected in my life besides children, sometimes the neighborhoods as friends of my own. Now it is grandchildren and great grandchildren. So, some of my collections are of great interest to the kids. It is fun to share my information and the buying and selling of things with these young ones and has started more than one of them with their own.

    The largest collection I have had is English bull dogs. Since we raised, trained and showed them too, I was a member of the Indiana Bulldog Club and the National Bulldog Club. Naturally, at some of those meetings, trading among other members happened. We not only had figurines but stuffed toys, blankets, tee shirts etc. Some were very inexpensive, others very expensive.

  • It is strange what life hands to you sometimes. I will mention my health here quickly, so that you can know what I am talking about. I have Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy and Asthma. It has been driving me nuts lately with irregular sleeping, need to sleep when I should be awake and plain ole gasping for breath. However, in the midst of all that, though not being able to stand for for very long, I have found that I can sit at my computer and read and type comfortably. I am so happy about this because, when you don't feel well it is such a comfort to be able to do something. Helps keep my mind off of myself.

  • Hello everyone. Where have you all been? I know that you can do better than this. I have a question that might start a discussion. Can you tell me some of the kinds of things that you have sold on eBay, or that you have collected for yourself? Also, where you bought them. I would be so interested in this and I am sure that others would be too. You tell me about yours and I will tell you about mine.
    I just can't see this wonderful board go to waste. OK, I will be watching and will try to spread the word.

  • My avatar here is Bubba and he was too big to show but had a most beautiful head and chest.

  • Hi, I am interested in some of the things that you sell under the advertising description. I am reminder of the pickers on TV who climb over, under, around and through weeds and old buildings. They seem to find a lot of advertising. I remember in particular the Johnny of Phillip Morris fame. Tis a fun show to watch and I always have an urge to sneeze.

    I belonged to the Indiana and National Bulldog Clubs and so I rubbed elbows with a lot of collecters. We used to kid the president of the Indiana division that he would have bulldog toilet paper if it was available. We, like most of those people had quite a collection of bulldogs and I still have a lot. No live ones though for when the last one traveled over the rainbow bridge, we decided to not have any more. We simply cannot take the proper care of them. Sigh, I miss them so.

  • Good Morning AC friends. I have been tying to find time to sort through some boxes from storage of good or yuck old things. Such an assortment of stuff. Advertising key rings and a few keys, buttons, tin buttons, hair and bobby pins, good old junk that I will end up throwing most of away. Found a bunch of sneezes too. How these things love strings of thread, old dead dust bunnys and a few rusty rhinos too. I ended up just dunping them in another box for later. What to do about old dog and cat ID metal and plastic tags??? Even found a cow ear button.

  • Good Morning everyone. It is so good to see you all. It is a beautiful day in Indianapolis. 68o and all is calm and so clean looking after the rains. We lost some big limbs in the storm but they were from a city tree out front that needs to go. There is no wind and the Ragweed has not gotten to us yet. The birds are so happy with the Poke weed which this year is over 7’ tall.
    Today will be a fun day. I will be spending an hour plus at the new JoAnne Fabric and Craft shop. DH has some shopping to do and so he will leave me there and pick me up when he is done. It has only been open for several weeks and everything is so clean and new and orderly. Will spend some time at the pattern table. Er most time.
    Then he will take me to the Golden Corral for lunch. Love that too. We have gone there so many years that we meet have a circle of friends, not always planned though. And, of course, several favorite waitresses.
    Then back home for a nap.