• @cedar Just happened to pop in to the board. So sorry to hear your bad news. Please give yourself the best care possible and let us know how you are wen you feel up to it.

  • @cedar I have a saying " There is just one ting better than grandchildren-------That is great-grandchildren." I think it is because the admiration society for the new babe has increased by a whole generation of admirers. It is so much fun to watch everybody. We now have the six great-grands and another one due in February.

  • GOOG DAY EVERYONE! Sunny but a tad cool day here in S CA. Loving it. Been like summer for a week or so. DH and I are doing

    @doreen366ml.... May be too late for help now, but for the younger set perhaps hippie or flower child might help? : )

    @justmim, @10bbg10 - Helen.... Nice to see you on the AC Board. Hope to chat with you soon.

    HEY to alla the regs - @drs-t, @picker16judy, @inmax, @cedar and ALL OTHERS down past Christmas (whereihadtostopfornow) ! Wassup??
    We have a gas & electric guy here, so gotta git! Catch yawl later!!!

    ALLIE : )